Friday, August 27, 2010

San Francisco Examiner Editorial: "Defending 9/11 Victims Isn't 'un-American' "

The San Francisco Examiner has a great editorial today, related to Radical Rauf and the Cordoba Victory Mosque.  It says, among other things:
Rauf might gain some credibility if, while on his current U.S. taxpayer-funded junket to the Middle East, he used the occasion to challenge Muslim leaders to end their barbaric practice of executing those who convert from Islam to another faith. He could further gain credibility in the U.S. by demanding that Muslim leaders allow Christian and other missionaries to operate openly and without fear in their societies. There are 100 mosques in New York City. Will 100 Christian churches ever be permitted in places like Riyadh and Kabul?
Read it all here at the San Francisco Examiner.

The Examiner's points are well taken, but we all know that Rauf isn't ever going to advocate religious tolerance from Muslims to other religions.  Like virtually all Muslim leaders and Imams, he believes that tolerance only flows one way:  from us to them, never from them to us.



  1. Yes, how dare we defend the 9/11 "victims." You know the "victims" that had to watch it all on TV from 1000s of miles away. Because many of the ACTUAL victims, the ones who lost friends relatives and loved ones are against the protest as "UN-AMERICAN." 

  2. Oh yes, I am sure there are just millions of 'em.  Only in your parallel universe, Mnut.
