Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Cox and Forkum ran this great cartoon today. Check out their webpage by clicking on the title link above.

Also check out this cartoon of Mohammed that was run in the student newspaper of University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. The Muslim students immediately went nuts. Hat tip: Little Green Footballs. The cartoon isn't insulting to Mohammed, but that doesn't matter. Muslims can never pass up a chance to become outraged, even though they are not outraged at the constant terrorism and murders committed in the name of their dubious religion.


  1. Not cited the Catholic example yet, or should I understand it is only in your nature to report on issues you can use to mock Muslims?

  2. I only mock Muslims because their "religion" is the most barbaric and murderous faith in human history. South Park may lampoon Catholics or anyone else all day long, but Catholics and others do not respond by rioting and killing people, as do Muslims.
