Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Equal Rights for Men in Tights

The two most murderous and oppressive ideologies in the world are Islam and Communism. Lately they are joining forces in their so-called peace marches and demonstrations. Like attracts like, and evil attracts evil.

Marxism is a ridiculous joke. Everywhere it's been tried it has produced mass starvation and oppression, with an occasional murderous purge thrown in to add to the death toll. Marxism not only fails to feed the masses, it also deprives them of liberty, so you get two evils for the price of one. It's hard to believe there are idiots in the world who still believe this malarkey. How many millions more have to die before they give up?

Marxism is dying as a serious political force in the world, with only a few old goats like Fidel Castro and Warren Beatty hanging on. Islam, however, is enjoying a resurgence after decades of near-slumber. Wherever there is a "peace" demonstration, you'll find lots of commies and other morons supporting the so-called Palestinians and calling for the destruction of the USA and Israel. It ain't gonna happen, shmucks. Wallow in your impotence and irrelevance! We enjoy watching you do it.

Not long ago, I decided to write up a list of typical leftist (joke) slogans that you might see hand painted on their cardboard protest signs. Things like "Equal Rights for Men in Tights" or "Hell No, We Won't Work." Or how about "Dope Not Soap"?

If you think of any good ones, send them to me!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Ken. April will be here soon and we'll need a Miss April.
