Saturday, March 25, 2006

Message to Muslims: Islam is a Crime Against Humanity

Afghan Islamic clerics recently called for the execution of an Afghan man who converted from Islam to Christianity. Protests from non-Muslim countries around the world may have saved the man's life, as the Afghan prosecutor is said to be dropping the case for "lack of evidence."

This recent hullaballoo demonstrates Islam's continuing assault on human rights. One cleric had the nerve to say that "rejecting Islam is an insult to God." Nonsense. Accepting Islam is an insult to God and to humanity.

If there is anything we in the West should have realized by now, is that Democracy in the Middle East is not the solution to Islam. Eradication may be the only solution to Islam (eradication of the ideology, not the people). Forced conversion, like the Muslims did to millions of Christians, Jews, Hindus, and Buddhists, is likely to prove to be messy and Westerners wouldn't have much of a stomach for it. We are not the barbarians that they are. However, it is a solution that must be considered in extreme circumstances, such as Islamic nuking of Israel or Western allies. We really don't care if Muslims convert to the Tooth Fairy religion or worship Wilson the Volleyball as long as they stop murdering and oppressing people. But Muhammad the desert pirate, murderer, rapist, robber and terrorist will have to go.

Our glorious leaders, like the wimpish George Bush, should state loud and clear and for the record, that Sharia law is a crime against humanity and will not be tolerated. Sharia, like Dhimmitude and Jihad, is over, done, kaput. Honor killings and female genital mutilation are barbaric practices that should be denounced by Western leaders in no uncertain terms.

Global standards of human rights make it clear that a person is entitled to change his religion as he sees fit. This is non-negotiable and Islamic countries must conform to it whether they like it or not, or be isolated as rogue nations by the rest of the world. In fact, freedom of conscience is necessary for the peace of the world and the long term eradication of this fascistic religion. For if people everywhere were allowed to study other religions and change their religion, Islam would shrink as millions left it.

If Afghanistan eventually executes this Christian or others like him, we must insist on a complete pull-out of all coalition troops and the immediate cessation of aid. Following that, we must begin a long term project of destabilization and subversion of Islamic countries, including bombarding them with anti-Muslim propaganda. The "Voice of America" should be put to this use. Muhammad the False Prophet should be criticized and exposed unceasingly for his lies, crimes and falsehoods. The Qur'an must be exposed for the literary disaster that it is. We should fund opposition groups and supply them with arms. We should spy on Islamic nations unceasingly.

In a word, we are FED UP with Islam and its time we took effective means of dealing with it. Only when this evil ideology is in the dust bin of history can the formerly Islamic countries join modernity and the human race.

From Michelle Malkin's blog:

Abdul Rahman: Marked for death
In Afghanistan at Friday Prayers, Muslim
clerics prayed for murder (via NYTimes): Afghan clerics used Friday Prayers at mosques across the capital to call for death for an Afghan man who converted to
Christianity, despite widespread protest in the West. As the international pressure on Afghanistan grew, the clerics demanded the execution of the Afghan, Abdul Rahman 41, if he does not convert back to Islam. His conversion 15 years ago was brought to the attention of Afghan authorities as part of a child custody dispute......One speaker, Mawlavi Habibullah, told more than a thousand clerics and young people who had gathered in Kabul that "Afghanistan does not have any obligation under international laws. "The prophet says when somebody changes religion, he must be killed" he said.


  1. Apostasy must be made easier. The only hope for Europe is to find some way of breaking through the intimidation and getting the majority of Muslims to become apostates. Otherwise the future is bleak indeed.

    There are three possible future scenarios for Europe:

    (1) Progressive Islamisation ending in Shariah and Dhimmitude for the natives.

    (2) Progressive Islamisation ending in a reaction of violent de-Islamisation (and probably a World War as Muslim countries attempt to protect their European co-religionists from the Fourth Reich's 'Final Solution')

    (3) Gradual De-Islamisation of Muslims already living in Europe.

    Options (1) and (2) are both nightmare scenarios, so that leaves us with (3) as the only way out, no matter how difficult that may be.

    Option (3) is indeed difficult, but not impossible. Islam rests on two foundations - (i) The character of Mohammed and (ii) the Koran being the ACTUAL WORD OF GOD (not a human interpretation as liberal Christians view the Bible). If you destroy the foundations, the house of Islam will certainly become wobbly.

    What you then have to do is give the inhabitants somewhere else to live. Most people aren't (willing) atheists. They need some form of religion.

    The trick here will be to design a religion (memetic engineering) which appeals to recovering Muslims. I'm not being sectarian about this, but I would imagine that some form of 'broad-church' Christianity would have more appeal to the ex-Muslim than, say, Wicca or Zen. It's also important to replace the community function of religion which is so important for Muslims.

    So here are the 4 R's of eradicationg Islam in Europe - Rationalism, Ridicule, Revulsion and Replacement.

    RATIONALISM - expose the contradictions, illogicalities, and scientific absurdities within the Koran showing that it can't possibly be the word of God. Also publicise scholarly investigation of the origin of the Koran and strange Pagan features such as meteorite worship.

    RIDICULE - Islam, as we have seen, is hypersensitive to satire, especially any jokes against Mo. Islamic beliefs should be made objects of derision and contempt rather than fear. Mohammed himself should be revealed as the murderous pervert that he was. Islam must not be given the respect it so desperately craves.

    REVULSION - how many Muslims know the full depths of barbarity and depravity within their religion. eg practices such as mufa’khathat ?

    REPLACEMENT - Encourage conversion of Muslims to any other religion. Churches and other organisations who are successful in this dificult task should share their know-how with others. Ex-Muslims should be debriefed to discover what caused them to leave Islam.

    The alternative to eradicating the disease would be the Serbian solution of culling the carriers. If we ever get to that stage then European civilisation will hardly be worth saving.

  2. Mustafa, I see you are an educated man and I respect your opinions. However, the 2nd scenario you describe will indeed come about if Muslims continue horrific acts of terror against the West. What if they nuke one of our cities with a smuggled in suitcase bomb? What if they put anthrax in the water supply? If that happens, I will become an enthusiastic supporter of the 2nd alternative. But not as a member of the "4th Reich" as you put it; we would opt for massive deportation, not murder.

    Western value systems are not a suicide pack and are certainly worth saving even in the event that draconian measures become necessary to remove the threat once and for all. We were not so gentle with the Nazis, after all. Remember Dresden and Hiroshima?

    However, the 3rd alternative is clearly the preference of choice. We must do everything in our power to prevent the necessity of the second. Time is growing short.

  3. Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
