Thursday, April 13, 2006

Cowardly Comedy Central Chickens Out

NRO, Michelle Malkin, Captain's Quarters and others are reporting on Comedy Central's cowardly censorship of the latest South Park episode. This episode, a continuing commentary on the Danish cartoon controversy, contained its own depiction of Mohammed. Chicken Central censored the image and instead broadcast this message where Mohammed was supposed to be: "Comedy Central has refused to broadcast an image of Mohammed on their network."

Dhimmitude is alive and well and living in America. Who says terrorism doesn't work? American self-censorship is in full bloom for spring.

I am going to get a copy of this South Park episode (I have a son who knows how to download them) and do a screen capture of Mohammed's image and plaster it all over the internet. Maybe I will title it "the scene censored by Chicken Central."


  1. I have a new contributor to my blog as of today. His name is Charles. He's one of those who meets on Thursday evenings to hash out a programme for changing our general social approach to Islam and our current dhimmi view of ourselves as the evil West.

    If you will, please stop in and say hello. Charles is a very nice guy, writes well, and is full of enthusiasm. I'm happy to have him contribute. I'm sure he'll make my blog more readable.

  2. Great! Well good luck to him and welcome to blogland!

  3. I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.

  4. Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.
