Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Muslim Website Anxious to Debate Infidels & Apostates

There's a new Muslim website that is full of piss and vinegar and anxious to debate leading apostates and infidels on why Islam is the "true religion" and the Koran the "word of God."

Here's what I wrote to them today.

To the webmaster, www.examinethetruth.com:

Hi Nadir. I hate Islam. I hate the Koran. I hate you.

The reason is simple. In the past 1400 years you Muslim bastards have murdered millions of people simply because we do not believe that an illiterate and horny bedouin was a prophet of God. We believe he was a false prophet, of which there have been many. The man was clearly a psychopath, very evil. He will burn in Hell.

When I hear Nick Berg screaming in horror as his head is cut off, or see pictures of the children of Beslan lying dead and bloody, or a picture of a Malaysian schoolgirl on a slab with her severed head at her side, then I know all I need to know about Islam. Islam is the religion from Hell; it is Satan's most successful enterprise to date. In your religion, Evil is Good and Good is Evil.

I hope I live to see the day when every mosque is reduced to rubble, every Muslim terrorist hanged from a lamp post, and every Satanic Koran heaped in a huge pile for a bonfire, one that we will use to roast pork over for our celebratory meal of victory.

By the way, I have a blog, http://www.saberpoint.blogspot.com/ in which I ridicule your hateful, evil and murderous faith on a daily basis.

You are right though: the Koran had to be created by a non-human source, and that source was Satan.

Islam must and will be wiped from the face of the earth.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.
