Sunday, May 21, 2006

Alex Pareene is a Pimple-Faced Punk

Alex Pareene is a pimple-faced punk who
writes Leftist crap for an airhead blog called "Wonkette," where you have to be invited to contribute opinions. That's because Lefties know that if they allow conservatives on their blogs the liberals will be sliced and diced into very small pieces.

Yesterday the punk in the pic made racist comments about Michelle Malkin, basically calling her an Asian whore who plays with ping pong balls, a reference (I guess) to some kind of anatomical acrobatics certain Asian porn stars perform in night clubs for the entertainment of guys like Alex. You know, the pimply guys with dirty fingernails and stale cigarette breath who can't get a real girl, so they frequent such displays as stimulus for their later encounter with Mr. Hand, the only lover who can't say "no."

Normally I wouldn't bother with a nothing like Alex Pareene or his asinine blog, but it's a slow night.

Hey Alex, if you ever get around to taking a bath, try following it with a haircut, you disgusting little slob.


  1. Yeah "he's" like that old "Pat" character from Sat. Night Live

  2. Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.
