Wednesday, May 24, 2006

DeGoogle Yourself - Use Ixquick Search Engine

You can wean yourself off Google, your friendly neighborhood leftwing censorship machine, if you really want to. Try using the Ixquick search engine instead. Ixquick searches for topics and photos and more. You can create a desktop shortcut so you can find Ixquick easily: first bring up Ixquick in your browser, then right click on the screen and select "create a shortcut." One will be created on your desktop where you can find it easily.

I tested Ixquick and was satisfied that it does a thorough search of subject matter. Try it yourself. Recommended by the Stogiemeister.


  1. The dhimmis, jihadists, appeasers and quislings have intimidated the MSM, academia and major publishers into silence.

    The internet was the last stronghold of freedom of expression, and the moonbats are making no secret of their approval of its censorship. See

    Maybe some blogger ought to compile an index of sites censored by Google, with links to the pages that caused the censorship, but no doubt Google would censor that as well.

  2. P.S. Thinking about it, I've often picked up interesting pieces of information at

    I wonder if it really is a moonbat site, or could they be a bunch of subversive Zionists and Crusaders in disguise?

    Maybe this would be the strategy for compiling an index of censored sites. Perhaps it could be disguised as a list of prohibited sites to be boycotted by liberals. That way the dhimmis at Google might approve.

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