Monday, June 12, 2006

More Uses for Zarqawi's Head

Zarqawi liked to play with other people's heads until the U.S. Military blew him up! Now we can play with Zarqawi's head and have lots of fun!

We suggest a sports use for the head, as Zarqawi loved an active life.

See photos herein for suggested uses. Please play with head responsibly. Not recommended for kids under 10. Refrigerate after use.

Okay kids, that's it for Zarqawi's head! I just wanted a final salute to this great Muslim leader for his many contributions to war, murder, hatred and religious fanaticism!
No other Zarqawi body parts will be featured, so please don't beg.
--The Management


  1. I'm kind of partial to the skeet shoot!

  2. Clicked thru Islamic Evil.. Ken always finds the best blogs, and I think yours is great. Love your photoshop apps, and I too am partial to the skeet shoot.

  3. Hi Blackcat! I've seen Ken write about you too! Great minds think alike! :)

  4. Halloween lantern?

    (no need to scoop it out as it probably doesn't contain much grey matter)

  5. How about using his head as a dog chew?

  6. Fido, or a fire hydrant?
