Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Photoshop for Fun and Mischief

I thought I'd demonstrate some photoshop techniques for your entertainment and amusement. The real value in Photoshop is in restoring old damaged photos or in creating digital art. However, it can be used for mischief (and often is these days) by cutting one image out of a photo and pasting it into another photo. For instance, the picture below of Osama Yer-Mama Bin Laden and Hillary Clinton. I did this photo some time ago just for practice. I never posted it anywhere before today.

Osama's announcement and Hillary's expression say it all. Can you really trust this woman to manage the war on terror? I think not.

See next example below.

This example shows the more practical side of Photoshop. Take one pretty girl in a bikini. (I've cropped the lower half of the picture as I know my intellectual readers are only interested in the technical aspects of this discussion.)

Our lovely lady was having a bad hair day when the picture was taken. (Had I not cropped the lower half of the picture you wouldn't have noticed.) So Stogie the Hair Dresser gave her a rinse and a comb-out and voila! Now she's not only pretty, but glamorous to boot. The hair in the picture to the right is totally digital, i.e. produced by Photoshop. I lightened her hair so you could better see the individual strands of hair (click on photo to see the enlarged version). So you can see how Photoshop can be used for publicity photos and other commercial purposes.

It's fun. We'll get back to more serious fare tomorrow. Or not.


  1. I didn't know you were a hairdresser. I would never have guessed.

    A cigar-chomping hairdresser. What do you know?

  2. Anything to get close to the ladies.
