Friday, June 30, 2006

SF Chronicle Accuses Bush of Anti-Semitism

An unexpurgated and unmitigated Horse's Ass named Jon Carroll writes for the Moon Bat Chronicles, otherwise known as the San Francisco Chronicle. Carroll claims Bush's criticism of the New York Times is really a secret appeal to the anti-semitic bigotry of Bush's base, since "New York" is actually a code word for "Jews."

Carroll writes:

The name of the New York Times contains the word "New York." Many members of the president's base consider "New York" to be a nifty code word for "Jewish." It is very nice for the president to be able to campaign against the Jews without (a) actually saying the word "Jew" and (b) without irritating the Israelis. A number of prominent Zionist groups think the New York Times is insufficiently anti-Palestinian, so they think the New York Times isn't Jewish enough.

Jon Carroll is the worst kind of unethical Leftist here in the Bay Area and we generally reserve for him only our deepest contempt. For instance, Moon Bat City (San Francisco) regularly hosts anti-Jewish extravaganzas at San Francisco State University and other locations in Lunatic City. There is nothing more anti-semitic and pro-terrorist than a San Francisco Leftist journalist. Calling "New York" a code name for "Jew" seems especially absurd, even for Jon Carroll. What about the all the Chinese, the Irish and the Puerto Ricans who have long been residents of New York? Obviously Jon Carroll is an unethical and egregious liar who slanders conservatives without a second thought as to the accuracy of his charges.

But then I thought about it, and you know, Carroll may be right about the name of a big city being a "code word" for an epithet of some sort. For example, I have known for a while now that "San Francisco" is a code word for ASSHOLES. Which may explain its status as Gay Capitol of the World.

The good news is that the Moon Bat Chronicles is bleeding red ink like a terrorist sympathizer caught in the path of a Caterpillar bulldozer. With any luck Jon Carroll will be beating the pavement soon looking for a real job. It won't be easy since his entire work experience consists of being a flaming prick. Outside of journalism, there isn't much call for those kinds of skills.

1 comment:

  1. I think the editors of big papers get together and see what kind of off the wall and ridiculous stories they can print. It brings attention to their papers and web pages because people want to read for themselves what kind of ludicrousness is allowed to be printed.
