Saturday, July 15, 2006

Time to De-Islamicize the West

Diana West of the Washington Times recently argued for the removal of Muslims from Western countries. This is a solution I have long advocated myself. Islam is incompatible with Western civilization and is in fact a hostile and seditious presence in our midst.

West points out that the Jihadists use terror as an effective weapon of attrition. The need for increased security measures at airports and other public places costs time and money, and the possibility of a terror attack induces fear in the hearts of the targeted population. Terror seems to be just indiscriminate murder of innocents, but it does have a goal, and that is to weaken its victims' will to resist.

West writes:
The will to resist is indeed the target of jihadists from India to Israel, from New York City to London. But, as Mr. Spencer would undoubtedly agree, security measures alone -- walking through metal detectors (in our socks), submitting our belongings to random searches -- don't constitute policy. They don't solve the problem of global jihad: the war of terrorism. At best, security measures thwart acts of terrorism -- and thank goodness -- but only for another day, another trip, another short hop home.
If the goal of Islam is to destroy the non-Muslim world's will to resist Islamic conquest, then our counterstrategy seems clear. What we need is an attitude of survival, i.e. moral clarity, which (1) acknowledges Islam's intent to conquer us, (2) affirms our belief in the superiority of our civilization to theirs and (3) asserts our determination to defeat them. These three factors are what constitute the needed will to resist.

However, West carries the argument further, noting the undesirability of the growing Muslim presence in the West. She writes:
Besides the will to resist, then, we need the knowledge to resist -- the knowledge that there is in the religion of Islam itself the historical, inexorable and driving force behind what the entire non-Muslim world is now experiencing as jihad terror. Whether most Muslims wouldn't hurt a fly is an increasingly irrelevant footnote to the hostile aggression of other Muslims who, in a very short time, have actually transformed civilization as we used to know it.

If the will to resist allows us to manage the threat of violence, the will to connect the dots would compel us to eliminate it. How? By carefully examining and -- I would hope, reconsidering and reversing -- through foreign, domestic and immigration initiatives, what should now be seen, gimlet-eyed, as the Islamization of the non-Islamic world. Such an assessment, however, is all too vulnerable to catcall-attacks of "bigotry," even "Nazism" -- a deceptively inverted assault given the doctrinal bigotry and similarities to Nazism historically promulgated by the Islamic creed.
In other words, it is time to halt all Muslim immigration into the Western democracies and to begin deporting those already here.

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