Tuesday, July 04, 2006

When the Left Attacks

Michelle Malkin had a great blog entry yesterday entitled "Our Homes Are Not Our Castles." It is highly relevant to my recent battles with Jo Fish of Democratic Veteran and Jeff Huber of Main and Central. It deals with the issue of whether or not it is proper to publish the private information of political opponents on your website.

Michelle Malkin says she will never do it, even in reprisal. For that reason she has refused to publish pictures and the address of Bill Keller's personal residence. Bill Keller is editor of the New York Times, which recently published pictures of the summer homes of Dick Cheny, Vice President of the United States, and Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense.

Michelle Malkin knows what it's like to have her privacy invaded. In April 2006, Leftist thugs at the University of California at Santa Cruz plastered all over the internet her home address, phone number, pictures of her neighborhood and maps to get there. This was really an extreme example of what the Left is capable of.

I disagree with Michelle on one point, that private information should never be published. I think it should be published as a direct reprisal to anyone who does it to you first. The Left doesn't understand rules of fair play or common decency. They are hateful in the extreme. Periodically putting the fear of God into the Left is essential if we are to dissuade them from their destructive ways.

Michelle Malkin says "there is a concerted effort to dig up and publicize the private home information of prominent conservatives in the media and blogosphere to intimidate them." For that reason, I (Stogie) believe that we on the Right must be ready to fight fire with fire.

However, as I said before, I believe in "Live and Let Live." If you don't bother me, I won't bother you.

Do read Michelle's article on the subject. It contains a lot of insight and wisdom.


  1. Malkin has published people's personal information and the wingnuts took it and ran with it.

    Just ask the folks at UC Santa Cruz

  2. Anonymous, you're a liar.

    The Traitorous "Students Against the War" (SAW) had physically prevented our military services from recruiting at UC Santa Cruz for the past three job fairs.

    SAW published their own contact information, three commie-students, on a leftwing website. It consisted of their names, phone numbers and email addresses. Since they themselves published it publicly in an effort to undermine their own country, it was no longer private information. Of course, after their traitorous and dishonorable efforts to undermine our military, they were rightly ashamed of themselves, and like liberals and leftists everywhere, sought to escape personal responsibility. So they deleted their contact information and tried to cover their tracks, but it was still in the Google cache, and that's where Malkin got it. She then did indeed publish it, as well she should have. Citizens should know who is undermining their country and their safety.

    It is one thing to have asinine opinions, as all you Leftists do, but when you cross the line into subversive activity, don't complain when someone points you out for your illegal activities by publishing the very same contact info that you published first.

    Thanks for helping me clarify my position on publishing contact info for traitors. I will indeed publish such information whenever I can acquire it, for anyone from Douchebag U (UC Santa Cruz)or anywhere else, who seeks to undermine the US Military or prevent them from recruiting the soldiers, sailors and airmen we need to protect us from Islamofascists and Communists throughout the world and the California UC system.

    The complete Malkin story is contained in my links within the post, for anyone who wants to read it. You can still get SAW's contact info and the three commies who run it from Malkin's website.
