Sunday, August 06, 2006

What the Heck, I'm Gregory Peck

Over at Aunty Belle's Back Porch I encountered a couple of liberal writers who are just appalled at our determined resistance to Islamic evil. Like liberals often do, they see "racism" in every conflict. Whenever some other culture or ideology is criticized, they are programmed to transmogrify into Gregory Peck in "To Kill a Mockingbird" and rain truth, decency and tolerance upon the unenlightened hordes. When a great opportunity comes along to pose and posture as Atticus, one simply can't let it slip by.

As usual, these liberals are full of themselves. Opposition to Islam isn't born of racism. For one thing, Muslims are of many different races and the majority of them aren't even Arabs. It is not their "race" we oppose but their hateful, violent and totalitarian ideology. We oppose it because it threatens us, because it has attacked us and will do so again, given the opportunity. We oppose it because its goal is to substitute barbaric Sharia law in place of our Constitution, Bill of Rights and freedoms.

Percival in Aunty Belle's discussion argues that Muhammad lessened the violence in the Arabic world (he actually increased it) by his coming, and that violent Muslims are a minority who don't speak for the whole religion. But the violent Muslims are the ones who are following what their scriptures and their prophet actually taught: violent jihad, forcible conversion, imposition of Sharia over all mankind. And it is the violent ones who are in power in Iran, the ones who fly planes into skyscrapers and bomb trains and attack Israel.

Percival also claims that Muhammad was a biblical scholar and that his deep understanding of Jewish and Christian scriptures inspired him to write the Qur'an. You have to wonder where people like Percival get such hogwash. Is it just anecdotal nonsense they pick up from their buddies at Starbuck's? Did they read a book by Noam Chomsky? Or did they just make it up themselves?

Muhammad was an illiterate camel driver whose knowledge of the Bible was on a par with Percival's understanding of Islam: in other words, weak, anecdotal and fragmentary. For God's sake, Percival READ A FRIGGING BOOK.

Another liberal at Aunty Belle's site castigated us for giving way to "hate," which she, in her moral superiority, massive cerebellum and profound state of enlightenment, would never give in to. "How can you be so narrow minded," she asks us.

I replied to her, "How can you be such an airhead? And will you still feel morally superior in a burqa after they've cut off your labia and clitoris?"

Liberals. They'd rather pretend to be Gregory Peck than save their own asses (not to mention clitorises) from jihad.

The biggest difference between liberals and conservatives seems to be in the areas of moral clarity and decision making. Liberals overthink threatening situations, overanalyze and second guess themselves to death. They seem to have an internal monlogue that goes something like this: "Why do they hate us? What did we do to make them so angry? If we shoot back, will we just make them angrier? Do we really have the moral authority to oppose them? What about the Crusades? What about the Inquisition? How can we criticize them for doing what we have done ourselves in centuries past? Maybe we should call a meeting of the UN, maybe we should appoint a special envoy? Would they be satisfied if we just apologize for all the evil things we've done and give them some money?"

By this time the Iranian missile has blown them up and it's all moot anyway. The major result of the liberal internal dialogue is INACTION. The liberal internal dialogue is not designed to produce a coherent conclusion, direction or decision, it is designed to AVOID A DECISION.

The conservative inner dialogue, by comparison, goes something like this:

(1) They are trying to kill us
(2) So we must kill them first so they can't.
(3) Bang bang bang bang bang!

There is no bullshit self-doubt or moral ambiguity, no wrestling with weighty philosophical questions, no self-guessing or self-recrimination, just a simple determination to survive.

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