Sunday, October 29, 2006

Boiling the Frog: the Slow Murder of the West

We've all heard that old analogy of the boiled frog. If you throw a frog into a pan of boiling water, he'll jump right out. He might be mad as hell, but he'll survive. But if you put a frog into a pan of cold water and slowly increase the heat, he won't notice the temperature and will boil to death before he knows something's wrong.

The Left has known of this analogy for some time and have been applying it to the West for years. The way to destroy the West is not by some frontal assault, which tends to wake the citizenry up, and makes them mad and willing to fight back. The way to destroy the West is by gradual degrees of subversion, e.g. poison them slowly with a little arsenic at a time.

Some of the chief weapons the Left has used in its war of gradualism are multiculturalism and political correctness. Multiculturalism has slowly replaced the analogy of the melting pot, where immigrants to the West are assimilated, that is, they come to internalize the culture, traditions, laws and attitudes of their host country. With multiculturalism, the Left encourages immigrants not to assimilate, but to maintain their ethnic identity, traditions, language and attitudes. This creates a fragmented, not cohesive, citizenry, i.e. large groups of people with different visions and loyalties, who are less likely to come together (either electorally or militarily) to defend the nation against invasion or subversion.

Political correctness is the Leftist ideology that says you cannot criticize anyone of a different culture than yours, that any such criticism is automatically racism, xenophobia, bigotry or hate-mongering, with severe social ostracism for those who transgress. (In some places in Europe, Italy and France for example, political correctness is enforced by law and transgressors are jailed.)

Political correctness has a useful purpose for the Left, and that is to shut people up about the process of subversion that is slowly transforming their nations into Muslim tyrannies. (The Left desires to destroy the West and sees Muslims as natural allies in this regard.) If people don't know what's happening, they can't react. Just like the frog.

In Europe, and to a lesser exent in the United States, Muslims make the perfect agents of subversion. They don't even want to assimilate. They do not identify with their host country and have no loyalties to it. France is a perfect example of a patient very sick with the diseases of multiculturalism and political correctness.

Some of the signs of this ongoing subversion are readily available in the Holiday season. Useful idiots are changing the language, the basic premises and the cultural symbols (in other words, the culture and attitudes) of the West. Do you participate in this subversion, perhaps unknowingly?

  • Do you say "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Hannukah"?
  • Do you oppose manger scenes in the public square at Christmas?
  • Do you refer to Christmas as "the Winter Holiday"?
  • Do you self-censor at every opportunity, e.g., by not wearing a crucifix for fear of "offending" foreigners who are guests in our country?
Small issues, you say. But they will lead to the same strong currents now running through Europe:
  • Piggy banks removed from stores and public view so as not to offend Muslim immigrants
  • Discussions regarding the redesign of the British flag, to remove its "Crusader" Christian crosses so as not to offend Muslim immigrants
  • Public funding of mosques with taxpayer dollars or Euros
  • Advocacy of the vote for non-citizen Muslim immigrants
  • Allowing some elements of Sharia law to replace European constitutions in Muslim enclaves
  • Recognizing polygamy for Muslims and not prosecuting "honor killings" of daughters who marry someone not approved by her family
  • Allowing Muslim women to wear the chador or the hijab (which cover the face and hide identity) in identification documents like driver's licenses

The subversion process in America is hastened along by such elements as the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and CAIR who are quick to sue anyone or any organization that resists these processes.

Today in the news we learn that the College of William and Mary is going to remove the Christian cross from its Chapel's altar to make the Chapel "more welcoming" and "less faith specific" (see Michelle Malkin for details). Don't be fooled. This is just one more example of the giant eraser the Left is wielding against Western culture, to wipe it out so it can be replaced with something more to their liking. As the Left becomes "more welcoming" to others, they become less so to Western culture. Soon any expression of Western traditions, religions or culture becomes taboo, prohibited so as not to "offend" the hostile non-Westerners who are flooding in.

Think of a nation's culture (language, religions, traditions, customs, fokelore, laws, morals and attitudes) as being a kind of glue or mortar that holds all the disparate bricks together. The bricks are the people of many ethnic backgrounds, all held together by this common glue. As long as the bricks hold together, the wall (or nation) continues to stand. But the Left continually pounds on the wall, slowling weakening the mortar. Eventually, the wall will fall.

To better appreciate the frog boiling process, you should read about how advanced it is in Europe. You can do that by buying Oriana Fallaci's book, "The Force of Reason." It is truly frightening and eye-opening to see how far gone Europe really is.

And we're next.

Wake up, fellow frogs. This is not a sauna we find ourselves in.

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