Sunday, December 10, 2006

Don't Count on America

Melissa at Protein Wisdom posts a great article today: Iraq: A Vietnam-like Ending? Melissa, of course, is noting the parallels between Vietnam and the recommendations of the so-called Iraq Study Group that came out last week. The ISG essentially recommends appeasement and abandonment of the Iraqis who trusted us (the fools) and thought they could rely on us to see this war through. Melissa's post describes America's shameful betrayal of our South Vietnamese allies to their Communist invaders. The implication is that this shameful episode will most likely be repeated in Iraq, now that the Surrender Party is ascendant in Congress.

Vietnam is a good analogy for Iraq, as Osama Bin Laden has pointed out. The South Vietnamese were also betrayed by our Party of Treason, the Democratic Party. Nixon had pledged US support of the South Vietnamese government in the likely event of North Vietnam's breaking the Paris peace agreements and restarting the war.

Shortly thereafter the American people, in their deep ignorance and foolishness, elected a solid majority of new Democrats to the House and Senate. The Democrats then promptly cut off all financial aid to the South Vietnamese government, allowing it to be quickly overrun by the Democrats' spirtual bretheren, the Communists. The Communists then began the slaughter of 2.5 million indochinese peasants, a genocide worthy of the same shame and disgrace as that of the Armenians or the Christians of Darfur. The Democratic Party of the United States is responsible for that slaughter. The blood is on their hands.

In 1975 I watched it on television as the Communists entered Saigon. As I watched the Viet Cong waving their flag on the balcony of the South Vietnamese Capitol, I made a solemn vow that I would never vote for a Democrat under any circumstances. I have kept that promise.

When you think Democrat, think socialism, multiculturalism, open borders, self-loathing, death wish, appeasement, a weak military and weak intelligence agencies, a lack of resolve, weakness, a lack of will, ignorance, irresolution, posing and posturing, fad-following, short-term thinking and sell-out. In addition, the Democrats are a party that hates capitalism, Christianity, Jews and white people and would do away with all of them if it had the opportunity. They are hardly the ones to look to for the defense of Western Civilization.

Oh hell, just think treason and you have the Democrats in a nutshell.

Melissa quotes Dennis Byrne at, who writes:

U.S. Ambassador Graham Martin futilely pleaded for $700 million in
emergency aid, so on April 30, Saigon fell. Left behind were the shameful images
of our friends pleading for their lives at the gates of the U.S. embassy as the
last helicopter flew from its roof. A few days before, Thieu had resigned,
bitterly recalling the failed pledge of “severe retaliatory action” by the
U.S. With condemnation on his lips, he said “The United States has not
respected its promises. It is inhumane. It is untrustworthy. It is irresponsible.”

How memory fades in the face of such a dishonorable betrayal. Now to
call it an abandonment or betrayal, as I did in a Chicago Tribune column,
incites charges that I am re-writing history. To try to make what we did in Vietnam anything other than an abandonment is to dishonestly read history through a clouded ideological lens. The history of our disgrace couldn’t be clearer, but present-day attempts to turn the history of those infamous years into fantasy shouldn’t
be surprising in a country that deified men who ran to Canada to betray
their obligations of citizenship and denounced those who served honorably.
The nations of the world should take note. You cannot bank on America. You cannot depend on America to honor its commitments or assurances. We are weak, vacillating, irresolute and we will cut and run when the going gets tough.

Japan, South Korea, Germany, Israel and other nations: you should build your military, develop nuclear weapons, create a powerful Airforce and Navy. In light of the threat from Iran, North Korea and China you must remember that you are on your own. Defend yourselves or die.


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