Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Feeling Sorry for Saddam? Let's Review His Crimes...

For those liberals, leftists and Marxists (like Robert Scheer of the San Francisco Chronicle) who are feeling sorry for Saddam Hussein, let's review some of Saddam's crimes.

Was Saddam's excecution too hasty? Not adequately dignified? Too rude (with people yelling at him)?

Well, gee....

Saddam didn't have much concern for niceties himself while executing thousands of his countrymen. According to the U.S. Department of State:

The Iraqi regime...repeatedly refused visits by human rights monitors. From 1992
until 2002, Saddam prevented the UN Special Rapporteur from visiting Iraq. The
UN Special Rapporteur's September 2001, report criticized the regime for "the
sheer number of executions," the number of "extrajudicial executions on
political grounds," and "the absence of a due process of the law."

Saddam Hussein's regime...carried out frequent summary executions,
4,000 prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison in 1984;
3,000 prisoners at the Mahjar prison from 1993-1998;
2,500 prisoners were executed between 1997-1999 in a "prison cleansing campaign;"
122 political prisoners were executed at Abu Ghraib prison in February/March 2000;
23 political prisoners were executed at Abu Ghraib prison in October 2001; and
At least 130 Iraqi women were beheaded between June 2000 and April 2001.

The report goes on to say that Saddam executed 40 members of his own family.

Though not mentioned in the report, not all of Saddam's victims died by the noose. Some were shot, some died after being tortured, some were fed alive into plastic shredders, and still others were boiled in oil. At least one victim took a bath in acid. One victim was an eleven year old boy.

The patent idiot Robert Scheer had the audacity to imply that Saddam Hussein was the "terrorized" rather than the terrorist. Considering how many people Saddam executed for trivial reasons and without any due process of law, his hanging was way too good for him.

By the way, Saddam Hussein was not "hung." American Marines are "hung." Saddam Hussein was "hanged." Conservatives are "hung" while liberals should just be "hanged," preferably from light poles throughout every major city (I'm joking! There are litter laws, after all).

It never ceases to amaze me how often the Lame Stream Media gets this wrong.

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