Monday, February 19, 2007

Strange Psychology Update: The "Truthers" Movement

The BBC, generally not to be trusted due to its strong anti-american bias, outdid themselves with a television special investigating the claims of the "Truther" conspiracy theorists about 9/11. The Truthers believe 9/11 was staged by the US government, that the towers were felled with staged demolitions, and a lot of other bizarre notions. One of the leaders of this movement is a 23 year old kook named Dylan Avery, who promotes the theory through a highly deceptive film called "Loose Change."

To everyone's surprise, the BBC documentary turned out to be a debunking of the Truther movement and makes the Truthers look rather stupid. Dylan Avery seems quite full of himself but gets a bit edgy when some of his claims are debunked to his face.

Little Green Footballs has three excerpts of the documentary (linked to YouTube videos) that everyone should see. The viewing is enjoyable and the results satisfying: the Truthers are left with egg on their faces.

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