Monday, March 19, 2007

The Ignorance and Arrogance of Certain UCLA College Kids

I am getting a number of leftwing visitors of the KOS kid variety from a blog called “history” that is run by a gaggle of punks at UCLA. They think I’m a Nazi for wanting to deport Muslims and halt all further Islamic immigration into the United States. Their blog post title is “I can hardly wait to read his prison diary,” as if I were Hitler about to write my version of “Mein Kampf.”

Pimply faced college kids like to imagine that they are profoundly informed and enlightened. The truth is that they possess a veneer of knowledge and are both ignorant and arrogant at the same time.

There is a big difference between my take on Muslims and Hitler’s take on Jews. Jews in Europe did not launch thousands of violent attacks on the citizens of their host countries. Jews did not sponsor or engage in terrorism. Jews did not follow a religion whose core principle was the mass murder of non-believers. Jews did not have a 14 century history of killing millions of Christians, Hindus and Buddhists and enslaving millions more. Judaism, unlike Islam, is not the world’s most violent and intolerant religion. Islam, unlike Judaism, is not merely another religion. It is a totalitarianist death cult.

Muslims already have their own version of “Mein Kampf.” It’s called the Koran. It is a hateful book advocating violence. And there are no other people on earth who hate Jews as much as Muslims do. This is why Muslims furnished Hitler with a regiment of Waffen SS soldiers – all Muslims. It is also why "Mein Kampf" is still today one of the best selling books in the Muslim world. If UCLA punks want to draw parallels to Hitler, they should take a good long look at Islam.

Recently a number of articles have appeared in various venues that describe the dangers of having a large number of Muslims in our midst. There is “sudden jihad syndrome” where an apparently peaceful Muslim suddenly turns violent and kills people or tries to. There was the Muslim in Washington state last year who was angry at Israel so he visited a Jewish community center in Seattle and opened fire on visitors, killing one woman. There was the clean cut college student in North Carolina who suddenly decided to kill infidels. He rented a car and drove to his university campus where he tried to run down fellow students.

There are many more recent examples. When I have time I will research them and post them on this site, with references.

Meanwhile, the college punks of UCLA need to contemplate this simple truth: when a Muslim sets off a bomb on a bus or train, or opens fire on a crowd or runs down pedestrians in his car (as recently happened here in the San Francisco Bay Area), you are not exempt. Being arrogant and ignorant may protect you from fear but it will not protect you from death by jihad.

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