Saturday, March 10, 2007

Squawking Democrat Chickens Flee the Fox

The Democrats had planned a televised debate in Nevada with Fox News as a sponsor, but canceled the event that was set for August. The reason: without a Democrat house organ like CBS, NBC, ABC or CNN, someone might ask them some hard questions. Democrats don't do well without their fully supportive propaganda outlets. Someone might notice that they have nothing to offer but their own personal ambition. The Democrats hate Fox News, not because it is biased, but because it is not. Unless the game is loaded in their favor, the Democrats have no chance.

There isn't a Democrat in the race that has an ounce of substance. Shrillary Clinton fakes a Southern accent in a black church. Although comical, it was an improvement over her usual yelling to the crowd in an unconvincing charade of the righteously outraged liberal, battling the unfairness of it all to the little people, i.e., those who look to the government for free handouts.

Barack Hussein Obama's only claim to fame is that he's black, or 50% anyway. John Edwards is as full of hot air as his blow-dried Breck girl hair. John Kerry, that human toothache, isn't running this time (thank God, the nausea factor would be too much). Al Bore is expected to step in at the last minute as the unifying candidate whose major issue, appropriately enough, is hot air (global warming). The Democrats are a bunch of nothing: no issues, no ideas, no substance, no clue. Rudy Giuliani will be the GOP candidate and ride roughshod over the whole miserable lot.

I have been working a lot over the last two weeks, but my project ends this weekend and I move to a new one on Monday. So my output may continue to be sparse for a while longer.

The good news is that, thanks to the Dimwitocrats, I get to lose an hour of sleep a month early, thanks to their tinkering with Daylight Savings Time. They'll do anything to save energy but nothing to produce more of it.

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