Saturday, May 12, 2007

Fighting Back: Baptist Church in NC Gives Islam Hell

Michelle Malkin has an interesting story today, about a Baptist Church in North Carolina that put out a sign denouncing Islam. One side of the sign says "Don't be deceived - The Message of 'Islam' is submit-convert-or die. Not salvation in Jesus Christ."

The opposite side reads "When is the last time you heard of a Jew or a Christian with a bomb strapped to their body?"

Needless to say, Muslims in North Carolina were offended. I wonder how offended they are at Muslim atrocities throughout the world, in Beslan or Thailand or Darfur?

My guess is "not very."

Here are some salient quotes from the article, with my comments:

Gary Murell put up the sign. He explained: "It was not put up there with the purpose of showing that we hate those people - It's not the people, it's the religion."

Murrell says it is a violent religion compared to Christianity. But not everyone agrees.

"I would really say that the actions of one individual really do not represent the Islamic faith," said Debbie Jaunich, with the Islamic Center of Raleigh. "The Islamic faith really calls for peace."

"It's sad to see that we still have this kind of ignorance in the community about the Islamic faith," she added.

Debbie Jaunich is full of beans. The Islamic faith does not, nor has it ever, called for peace. Tell that to the dead children of Beslan or the 2 million dead Christians of Darfur or the Indian Hindus and Thai Buddhists who are killed by Muslims almost daily.

Islam calls for perpetual war against all mankind until all people submit to Islam or become dhimmi slaves or die. Specifically, the Qur'an says:

"Jihad is holy fighting in Allah’s Cause with full force of numbers and
weaponry. It is given the utmost importance in Islam and is one of its pillars.
By Jihad, Islam is established, Allah’s Word is made superior (which means only
Allah has the right to be worshiped), and Islam is propagated. By abandoning
Jihad, Islam is destroyed and Muslims fall into an inferior position; their
honor is lost, their lands are stolen, their rule and authority vanish. Jihad is
an obligatory duty in Islam on every Muslim. He who tries to escape from this
duty, dies with one of the qualities of a hypocrite." (Qur'an, Surah 2:190) - as quoted at Prophet of Doom website.

The real teachings of Muhammad and the Qur'an say it is okay to lie about Islam (a practice known as taqiya) when you are in the minority and unable to assert Islamic rule. However, this feigned timidity is to be replaced with jihad once the Muslims have grown to sufficient numbers and strength. This strategy dovetails that of Muhammad when he was a resident of Mecca (before his exile to Medina) and despised by his own tribe, the Coreish, for subverting their ancient religion.

Kudos to the bravery of the NC Baptists for denouncing this evil in our midst. People are slowly awakening to the fact that Islam is not just another religion. If it were, few people would care what they believe as long as they were peaceful and tolerant of others who do not share their faith.

Again, quoting Craig Winn of Prophet of Doom:

If you're like most Americans, your defenses are raised the moment someone
suggests that Islam might be responsible for Muslim militancy. You may think, as
I once did, that all religions strike a balance between love and divine
retribution, peace and punishment. But with Islam, that’s simply not true. Their
scriptures start out foolish, turn hateful, then punitive and violent. There is
almost no mention of peace, tolerance, or love. We have been played for fools.
And it was easy because only an infinitesimally small percentage of "infidels"
have taken the time to learn about Islam.


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