Wednesday, May 16, 2007

GOP Debate: Ron Paul, The Ignominious Wimp

In the GOP debates, Ron Paul, a so-called libertarian congressman from Texas, stated that 9/11 was our fault because we had "bombed Iraq for ten years." Likewise, the Iranian hostage taking in 1979 was our fault for supporting the Shah.

Ron Paul's idiotic comments were the same as those most often heard from the left, i.e. that we wronged the despots who carried out these dastardly deeds and the despots had no choice. Therefore, we should never intervene in any conflicts anywhere in the world and retreat into Fortress America.

Rudy Giuliani called Paul on it and said Paul's explanation for 9/11 was extraordinary. Rudy said he had heard a lot of explanations for 9/11, but he had never heard that one, "and I have heard a lot of absurd explanations." To this, the entire assembly broke out in loud and sustained applause, in a massive rejection of Paul's claims. See the video at Hot Air.

I have never liked Ron Paul because of his vacuous, paleo-libertarian worldview. Also, he is remarkably ignorant of Islam, its history and beliefs, which is why he doesn't have a clue as to what caused 9/11.

There is a famous black transvestite with a name similar to Ron Paul's. Don't get them confused. Black transvestite Ron Paul is a man pretending to be a woman. With the Ron Paul from Texas, it's the other way around.

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