Monday, September 17, 2007

Sally Field Mouths Off

At her acceptance speech at the Emmys Awards the other night, Sally Field got passionate about the Cause of Peace. She noted that her show was about mothers and then exclaimed, "If mothers ruled the world there wouldn't be any God-D*** Wars!" Fox quickly censored her profanity so it didn't go out over the air.
I have no doubt that Sally is right: if mothers did rule the world, there wouldn't be any wars. Well, except for those Palestinian moms who encourage their kids to blow themselves up while murdering strangers. But in general, she's probably right. Let's concede the point.
There's one problem, Sally: mothers don't rule the world and it is unlikely that they will anytime soon. Meanwhile, many mothers are killed by Jihadists and radical Islam. A lot of moms died at the World Trade Center on 9/11. Other moms in Iran and elsewhere have either been hanged or stoned to death for following their natural instincts to engage in sex, albeit outside of marriage. Moms die everyday in places like India and Israel and London, where their trains or buses are bombed by hateful fanatics.

You know what? If frogs ruled the world, there wouldn't be any wars either. Where is Kermit when we need him? I'm really surprised and disappointed that Sally didn't expand on this important and obvious point. Well, flies wouldn't like it but you can't please everyone.
Yes, the practical way to confront and oppose murderous fanatics is to act self-righteous in Hollyweird while making stupid, profane comments. That'll stop wars for sure.

There is just one more important and obvious point to make: you're an idiot, Sally.

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