Friday, November 23, 2007

How to Save the Planet: Terminate Humans

The Daily Mail has a story of women who have sterilized themselves to "save our precious planet." They won't have children because it causes a larger "carbon footprint." One airhead named Tony Vernelli explained: "Every person who is born uses more food, more water, more land, more fossil fuels, more trees and produces more rubbish, more pollution, more greenhouse gases, and adds to the problem of over-population."

Such a mindset seems so typical of the anti-human, self-hating, death-wishing liberal Left. The "planet" is more important than human life itself. We should all commit hari-kiri to save the whales. Hmm, now there's an idea for liberals to consider. How about it Tony? Want to show us just how "responsible" you really are, how much you really "love" the planet? If humans are the cause of planet destruction, why stop at the termination of future generations? Why not start with this one?

The Mail article has a photo of Vernelli grinning proudly, as if she were some courageous hero instead of an eco-fanatic freak.

Earth to Tony: The earth, and everything in it, is useless except for the benefit it provides to human beings. Without humans, the planet might as well fall into ths sun and be consumed.

This story illustrates well the Left's version of religion. Mankind is evil, the "planet" a kind of god to which the former should be sacrificed. These people are very, very sick indeed. The only "carbon footprint" they need is one imprinted on their asses.

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