Monday, January 07, 2008

Hillary to Interviewer: "WAA-AAA-AAAH!"

Poor Hillary. She got all teary-eyed during an interview. She lost Iowa and will lose big in New Hampshire. Her big dream of power and glory is crumbling. I almost feel sorry for her.

Frankly, I’d rather see her win the nomination than Obama. I think Obama would be harder to beat in the general election. He’s suave, smooth, polished. He has charisma. He doesn’t ever come across as mean spirited. Hillary, on the other hand, was described as “peevish (ill-tempered) and angry” in the last debate. She seemed that way to me too. If dirty looks and snide “gotcha” comments impress voters, that should have turned the tide. But they don’t. They only make Hillary look small…and peevish.

Hillary isn’t through yet, however. Polls still show her leading Obama and the hairdo guy in some big states, California being one of them. If she wins the primaries in some of these large states, Iowa and New Hampshire won’t matter.

It’s the bandwagon effect that she has to worry about. The more Obama wins, the greater his credibility. People like a winner, and if they perceive Obama as such, Hillary supporters may switch their votes to him.

Hillary seems like a phony in so many of her public appearances, like someone who has memorized a bunch of sound bites and has one for every question from the press. She seems cunning and insincere and, at times, simmering with barely controlled rage.

To heck with the writer’s strike, this real-life drama is getting interesting.

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