Friday, March 21, 2008

Obamatron Short-Circuits, Explodes

I must admit, I did enjoy watching the Obama train derail and fall off the track this week. Barack Obama is a fraud and that fact is becoming obvious as his racist and extremist associations come to light. For 20 years he has been a member of a church that believes in "black liberation theology," which states that black people will believe in no God that doesn't support black racism and hate whites.

Instead of apologizing for his past associations and prejudices, Obama has instead given a stupid speech about how his white grandma is a racist who fears strange young black men she sees on the street. That isn't racism, it is the survival instinct, what Dinesh D'Souza called "rational discrimination" in his ground-breaking book, "The End of Racism," published a decade ago.

Even Jesse Jackson admitted to feeling relieved while walking on the street and hearing footsteps behind him, only to turn around and see it was a white person and not a black one. White taxi drivers are afraid to pick up black men in seedy sections of town at night because so many taxi drivers have been robbed, and some murdered, by the black men they picked up. Racism? No, even black taxi drivers admitted to the same rational fear.

I don't want to go too far with this, as there are many good, peaceful, productive citizens who are black. Any one of them who wants to be my friend, can be. I see patriotic black vets and others in places like Berkeley, facing down the Code Pinkos beside their white and hispanic fellow patriots. I know they are there and I am gratified by their presence.

For the aggrieved professional victims, however, I say, flake off. You are the main cause of the problems you face, through your rotten attitudes, your failure to take responsibility for your own lives and behavior. You have been give a free pass and endless excuses for your unending screw-ups quite long enough. Black racism and bigotry are every bit as reprehensible as the white version.

The past week has shown fairly clearly that the Obamatron is short-circuiting and his poll numbers falling as Hillary's rise, with McCain leading both of them in double-digits.

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