Saturday, March 01, 2008

Oscar-Winning French Actress Trivializes 9/11 Dead

The latest young beauty celebrated by Hollywood, the French actress Marion Cotillard, has trivialized the American dead of the 9/11 terrorist atrocity on the World Trade Center. Cotillard, who played singer Edith Piaf in the film "La Vie En Rose," has stated that the World Trade Center attack was false, made up, a hoax. She claims the towers were brought down deliberately because they were too old and expensive to keep up, and (of course) for political reasons.

Cotillard also questioned the truth of the 1969 moon landings, another historical event denied by the extreme moonbat movement. I'm surprised they haven't yet caught onto the Christopher Columbus fraud, who never discovered America at all (we are all really native American Indians).

Denying the bonafides of the terrorist attack on America is somewhat morally equivalent to denying the holocaust. It trivializes and therefore intensely insults the 3,000 human beings who died in that conflagration and is slanderous in the extreme to the government of the United States. Only the most extreme lunatic fringe entertains such nonsense.

The good news is that Marion Cotillard, who looked to clean up in film following her Oscar win, can now count on the personal boycott of many Americans. I, for one, will never see one of her films, and I was planning on seeing "La Vie En Rose," one of my favorite songs by the great Piaf.

Over at the French rightist blog "5 Years Later," the French readers are criticizing Cotillard in their understated French way. One writer, Mi, asks if we can be sure that Marion Cotillard actually received the Oscar, or whether it was instead a believable imposter supplied by the FBI? Another writer says that we thought we were reaching for a pearl but only came up with an oyster. (An oyster to the French bloggers is someone who is completely out of touch with reality.)

Funny how nature compensates. It seems to be a law of nature that a Hollywood starlet's brain size is inversely proportional to the size of her breasts. But then, moonbats have their theories and I have mine.


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