Sunday, April 06, 2008

Jesse Ventura: "9/11 Was an Inside Job" UPDATE

Jesse Ventura has made a collossal jackass of himself by voicing the inanity of the so-called Troofers movement, i.e., that 9/11 was an inside job.

Now this political has-been can get invited to all the best Hollywood parties where such tripe is considered brave instead of insane.

Get a life, Jesse.
Update: Jesse Ventura proved himself a jackass when he made ignorant comments about the WTC 7 without doing any reading on it whatsoever. His statements are irresponsible in the extreme and, therefore, he has earned the title of Jackass. He says:
Two planes struck two buildings....but how is it that a third building [WTC 7] fell 5
hours later?" asked Ventura, "How could this building just implode into its own
footprint 5 hours later - that's my first question - the 9/11 Commission didn't
even devote one page to that in their big volume of investigation," added the
former Governor.
Well Jesse, why don't you try reading some peer-reviewed engineering and other reports about WTC 7 instead of just mouthing off? Like the ones found at this links page, for example. Then you might discover that WTC 7 had a huge bite taken out of the southwest corner by debris hitting it from the other buildings. On the south side, there was a huge hole about 20 stories high, according to the firemen who were on the scene. There were numerous fires on almost every floor that were out of control. These are the causes of the building's collapse.

Below is video footage of WTC 7 (the "pink building" as one fireman called it) in its last couple of hours before collapse. Conspiracy theorists like to show pictures of the north side of the building, which appears almost pristine. The south side, however, had huge clouds of smoke emanating from the entire length of the building. The building was buckling and debris beginning to fall off. Firemen on the scene described the building as "creaking and moaning." The support columns were weakened by the fire and the weight of 40 stories on these weakened supports caused the building to pancake.

Watch the video and see for yourself. Jesse Ventura, if you're out there, watch it too. We will be expecting a public withdrawal of your remarks and an apology to the FDNY, the Bush Administration, the families of the 9/11 dead and to me in particular for having to rebut you.

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