Monday, June 23, 2008

Sky Falling Scientist Calls for Trial of Skeptics

From the U.K. Guardian:
James Hansen, one of the world's leading climate scientists, will today call for the chief executives of large fossil fuel companies to be put on trial for high crimes against humanity and nature, accusing them of actively spreading doubt about global warming in the same way that tobacco companies blurred the links between smoking and cancer.

Hansen will use the symbolically charged 20th anniversary of his groundbreaking speech (pdf) to the US Congress - in which he was among the first to sound the alarm over the reality of global warming - to argue that radical steps need to be taken immediately if the "perfect storm" of irreversible climate change is not to become inevitable.

Read it all.

Stogie's analysis:
Hansen is a fanatic and deserves our contempt. Like Chicken Little, he is screaming that the sky is falling. We are to believe him simply because he assures us that it is true. This modern Chicken Little, however, has a laptop with a computer modeling program. It says A+B = Global Warming. It is far from a true model of the climate and how it works; it can't even model past weather patterns based on known facts, let alone predict the weather of the future. But we are supposed to believe Hansen based on his minority, largely unsupported opinion, because if we don't, capitalism and prosperity won't be ended, socialism imposed and society heavily regimented, which is the real goal of the Global Scamming crowd.

A great many more climatologists are skeptics of global warming than are adherents. The latter are usually receiving lucrative research grants and have a vested interest in keeping the scam going.

Don't believe them.

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