Sunday, June 29, 2008

The World Gone Mad, Part II

Iran's Coming Nuclear Attack on Israel

A former leader of the Israeli security agency Mossad says that Israel has only a year to stop the Iranian nuclear bomb. With Iran's new missile capabilities, it will be no problem for Iran to nuke Israeli cities and nuclear plants. There appears to be little doubt that they intend to do just that.

We should work with Israel to take out the Iranian nuclear facilities, as soon as possible. No nation building this time; no boots on the ground invasion; just destroy their nuclear facilities and any of their military plants and facilities that directly threaten Israel or the U.S. Blow them up and get out.

Don't worry, peaceniks; it probably won't happen. We'll try what has been tried countless times before and has always failed: appeasement. Tens of thoursands of Israelis will die.

Why Muslims Hate Jews

A new book is out about the Mufti of Jerusalem, who was an ally of Hitler and who raised his own division of Waffen SS during World War II. I heard the author discussing the book with Barbara Simpson, talk show host at KSFO radio in San Francisco; unfortunately, I didn't catch the author's name. He said, however, the Muslim Jew hatred is an integral part of the Islamic religion, taught by the example of Muhammad and the written words of the Qur'an and the Haddith. Islam may be the only major religion where hatred and genocide are articles of religious faith. Because Muslims deem the mass murder of Jews to be a commandment of God, it is almost certain that Iran isn't bluffing about "wiping Israel off the map."

The Coming Oil Blackmail of the Middle East

Iranian officials are now saying they will turn off the oil spigot if anyone attacks them. If we had bothered to develop our own oil resources back during the Clinton era, it wouldn't be that much of a problem. But we didn't, and we won't. We must protect the caribou of ANWR at all costs, and prevent oil spills on our coastlines. What is a new and severe economic depression, and a smoking hole where Israel used to be, compared to that? We must keep our priorities straight.

The New Treason of the New York Times

The Drudge Report says:

SOURCES: BUSH ANGER AT COMING NEW YORK TIMES STORY DETAILING HUNT FOR BIN LADEN... The newspaper is planning to expose a "highly classified Pentagon order" authorizing Special Operations forces to hunt al-Qaida leader in mountains of Pakistan.
It is high time the appropriate officials of the New York Times were arrested for treason and put on trial. It seems a case could be made for considering the New York Times "an accessory after the fact" to the attacks of 9/11.

Liberal Insanity

The Podunk Times, my hometown newspaper, had a guest editorial today. It was all about how right the Supreme Court was in granting Habeas Corpus to prisoners of war, and how evil Bush and company is in trying to prevent it. The moron writing the screed was one Sheldon Richman, of the "Future of Freedom Foundation." If asshats like Richman have their way, there won't be a future for freedom...unless you're a terrorist who wants to kill Americans.

I swear, liberals are a perfect reverse barometer of everything right, true and just. It's as if they had their brains put in backwards.

Gas Prices, A Conspiracy of Big Oil (Yeah Right)

The Podunk Times also ran an editorial cartoon today of a businessman reading a newspaper. The headlines say "Bush Calls for Coastal Drilling." The businessman, labeled "BIG OIL" is saying "YES WE CAN!" with a huge smile on his face.

Yeah, we need new sources of petroleum and fast, and oil companies can give it to us if we take off their government-supplied shackles. And in liberal logic, that makes them the bad guys. The next time you need to fill up your tank, call a Hippie.

Gas prices are the highest in history and will go higher - some say they will top $7 a gallon in two years. They are approaching $5 a gallon already in California (diesel is already there). Life will get tougher in the years ahead. It will be harder to make a living. The standard of living for Americans will surely decline unless something is done.

Liberals, you gotta love 'em.

On second thought, no you don't.

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