Saturday, August 09, 2008

Barack Obama Will Lose the Election

Barack Obama is going to lose the presidential election. How do I know? My gut told me. At this time four years ago my gut was in a panic over John Kerry; Kerry was an airhead of incomparable vacuity, but he was semi-good at faking patriotism and fooled a lot more Americans than is Obama.

Obama's radicalism, complete lack of experience and knowledge of domestic or foreign policy, his shifting positions and opinions, his false statements on a number of subjects, all add up rather quickly: the sum total is a neophyte, a faker, a poser, a pretender who is nowhere near ready to assume the presidency of the United States. If Obama ever does participate in a debate with John McCain, it won't be pretty.

Even if Obama were ready to lead, his current ideas of how to lead are very scary: to turn the USA into a pacificistic, socialist state that is completely dependent on Muslim and third-world nations for its energy. With gas at $4 a gallon, many if not most Americans are taking a dim view of the Luddite philosophy of the modern Democratic Party.

Barack will lose the election and it won't be particularly close.

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