Wednesday, August 13, 2008

It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World

The world scene is certainly interesting, if not downright frightening. Putin, the old KGB agent, dreams of the days when Russia was the head of the USSR and conquering all the nations in its region. The old goat is an inveterate and unreformable despot, and the world would be better off without him. To see a good summary of what is happening in Georgia, see Rich Lowry's comments at the Corner.

Powerline has posted two notable posts recently, one of President Bush's condemnation of Russia's aggression, and one by our next President John McCain.

On the home front, Republican rebels have kept the House open for continuing speeches and demands for Nancy Pelosi to allow an up or down vote to allow offshore drilling. Pelosi dismissed Congress, turned off the lights and CNN's cameras, and left to promote her new book. Meanwhile, the mainstream media is ignoring the Republican rebellion in the House. So nothing is being done to ensure our longterm independence from foreign oil and gas prices will continue to rise over the longterm until we do so. Never mind all that, Nancy Pelosi, by way of explanation, is that she "is trying to save the planet."

Barack Obama's campaign continues to fascinate: as his true persona becomes more widely known, his election seems increasingly remote. In light of this, Hillary hasn't given up on gaining the Democrat nomination and is pressing for a floor vote at the Democrat National Convention.

I'm looking forward to the convention. It will be interesting to see how the Democrat drama plays out.

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