Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Live Blogging the RNC: Joe Lieberman's Speech to the Convention; Praises Palin

Joe Lieberman stood before the Republican National Convention and asked: "What's a Democrat like me doing here before the Republican National Convention?" Then he answered his own question: "I am here today to support John McCain because he is the best candidate to lead our country."

So spoke Joe Lieberman, a Senator who paid a political price for putting "country first" over party. A long-time Democrat who was his party's Vice Presidential candidate in 2000, Joe Lieberman was rejected by his party for supporting victory in Iraq. He lost the Democratic primary when he was up for reelection, then ran as an independent, winning back his senate seat.

Lieberman remarked, "If John McCain is just another partisan Republican, then I am Michael Moore's favorite Democrat. And I'm not!"

Senator Lieberman then praised Sarah Palin as a great choice to help McCain "clean up Washington."
Now Lieberman praises McCain's advocacy of the surge, saying "Now thousands of American troops are coming home IN HONOR." Wild applause.
He concludes with an appeal to fellow Democrats and Independents, urging them to vote for John McCain and Sarah Palin.
It was a fantastic speech and can only help McCain's chances.

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