Saturday, September 06, 2008

Oprah Fans Sound Off Re: Palin

At Oprah Winfrey's site, her pro-Palin viewers and fans are sounding off.  They are upset by Oprah's decision not to invite Sarah Palin onto her television show.  

One former Oprah fan writes:
Well, I am not surprised. As someone who HAD enjoyed everything Oprah for years I had become very disappointed in some of her decisions on the political front and this one is not exception.

You have Obama on not once but TWICE during this current race, openly campaigned for him on your show and we now have another "historical" candidate in this race and for this one you REFUSE to have HER on!

How very disappointing, how sexist, how very partisan and political on your part!

I sure hope you and your staff change your mind but I won't hold my breath.

All this decision does is reinforce my decision from a year or so ago to..
1) stop watching your show
2) stop "drinking the Oprah kool-aid" on all things in the world
3) stopped reading my Oprah magazine and when it was time to renew a year ago I did not. Each and every time I get a renewal form for it in the mail I not only not renew, I write a letter and give the exact reasons why I will NEVER renew the magazine!!!

How dissapointing you would choose YOUR personal political views on this race and YOUR candidate and not on this race as a whole....

Another writes:
This is very dissapointing Oprah. I was a huge fan of yours for the longest time. We had pictures taken with you after the Chicago Marathon a number of years back. Our group of girlfriends thought you were "the bomb". I wish you had decided to stay out of the political spotlight. Why are so many celebrity types liberals? Some of my favorite singers and actors always come out for the democrats. It's weird to me. And why does the media want Obama so badly? Oprah, you've had the support of women, strong conservative women who have helped to make you the huge success you've become. I think you owe us a show with Sarah Palin. And not after all this is over. It's pertinent now. You know that. If your candidate is truly the best, then you have nothing to fear. But so many viewers will respect you more, if you give time to this interesting, strong, and captivating woman. That's what you have always applauded. You've empowered so many of us over the years with that message. I hope you will rethink your decision to wait until after the election to invite her to the show. Thank you.

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