Wednesday, October 01, 2008

My Big Photoshop Project

Blogging may be somewhat light until the weekend. I was asked to do a Photoshopped cartoon for a conservative organization. I won't disclose any more about it until they publish the cartoon, to avoid spoiling any surprise.

They even offered to pay me for it. I declined payment as this is one of my ways to help the conservative cause. I'm having a lot of fun with this project but I am nearly finished. I will get back to preaching doom and gloom as soon as possible. So all you masochists out there, hit yourself with a hammer for the next couple of days and check back on Saturday.

UPDATE: I finished the cartoon and presented it. If it is accepted for publication I will link to it later so you can admire it! Actually, I think it's one of the best Photoshops I have ever done.

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