Sunday, October 19, 2008

Republican Turncoats: We Will Remember and Not Forgive

Colin Powell, former Republican Secretary of State under President George W. Bush, endorsed Barack Obama for President yesterday. Mr. Powell, a former US Army general and military man, no doubt saw in Barack Obama the kind of defense-minded, forward thinking military strategy we need to keep us safe from terrorist attack. It had to be that, because Powell, a black man, has assured us that his endorsement "is not about race."

Bull hockey. It's ALL about race. For far too many black people, skin color trumps politics, principle, patriotism and party. Colin Powell has often been considered as a possible Republican president for the future. No more, Colin. We will not forget your betrayal; you're all done. Please reregister your political affiliation; on the line that says "Party" maybe you should write "Black."

Peggy Noonan, a Republican author, pundit and former Reagan speechwriter detests Sarah Palin and has made her sentiments known at every turn. Why she has taken this tact is anyone's guess -- oh I know, it must be because she was so overwhelmed with the depth and brilliance and profoundly deep thinking of Senator Joe Biden, not to mention his scintillating impersonation of Neil Kinnock. No doubt Noonan was jealous that the Dems had so upstaged us in the VP department. Well, either that, or she's an opportunistic sell-out who wants to be noticed or is currying favor with what she perceives is an emerging new era of Democrat government. After all, there's the beltway cocktail party A list to think of, and all those mainstream media talk shows.

I only speak for myself, Peggy, but I will never afford you any credibility again. I will not buy or read any books you write, nor read any columns you pen or watch or listen to any TV or radio broadcasts where you're the guest. Have a nice life without me in it.

David Frum -- He's a pundit for National Review Online and has taken the same path that Noonan has in regards to Sarah Palin. For my take on Frum, just reread the Peggy Noonan section and replace "Noonan" with "Frum." See you, Dave. Don't let the door hit you in the butt on your way out of the GOP's "Big Tent."

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