Thursday, October 09, 2008

We Are So Screwed - Probably

Obama is spending like a drunken Democrat on political advertisements in toss-up states, all of whom are now moving in his direction. He can afford it, I guess. Why can't McCain?

The more that comes to light about the slimy little weasel Obama, the more disgusted I feel towards the American people. This week we learned that Obama was a political candidate and member of the Socialist New Party, proving his extreme leftwing views; meanwhile, his buddies at ACORN continue their massive voter fraud to get him elected in close-race states.

Meanwhile, John McCain continues to play the sheepish and shy "gentleman" who is unwilling to climb into the pig trough and mud wrestle with this Socialist. He is losing by default. America may be socialized, our standard of living wrecked, our military preparedness a thing of the past, the "fairness" doctrine reinstituted to shut down the conservative talk shows and rightwing blogosphere, but what the hell. John McCain will be able to brag about his moral superiority to his circle of friends, say with great pride how he was "above it all." In the long sweep of history, no doubt that will mean a lot.

A generation from now, kids will ask their mother: "Mommy, who was John McCain?" And she will look at her children tenderly, and with a tear in her eye, smile and say, "Beats the hell out of me."

I didn't vote for John McCain in the primaries. There was a reason for that.

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