Sunday, April 26, 2009

Great Blog Posts for Sunday

Charles Johnson runs fake photograph at Little Green Footballs, believing it to be real. Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs, in his continuing war on "Euro-fascists," posted a picture of two European politicians (Philip Dewinter of Vlaams Belang and Markus Beisicht of Pro-Köln) shaking hands in front of a street demonstration complete with red flags and (he thought) neo-fascist symbols. The smoking gun! However, the photograph was "fauxtography," a Photoshopped fake. Charles Johnson had been fooled and in venting his obsession with "Euro-fascism" made a fool of himself. Again.

Robert Spencer has the pathetic story at Jihad Watch.

Delaware University's Leftist Indoctrination Program for New Students
The FIRE is an organization supporting academic freedom on college campuses and is pursuing very worthy causes. They created a video of Delaware's recent indoctrination program for new students. The program was some of the worst Marxist propaganda I have ever seen. It begins with the premise that America is ruled by "White Supremacy," that all white people are people "of privilege" and that "racism" is whatever supports this system of white privilege. It's ridiculous and asinine in the extreme. Stop the ACLU has the video at this link.

A FIRE spokesman described this program as "not how to think but what to think" and totalitarian in nature.

Our universities, by and large, have long been a cesspool of the most extreme leftist/communist/Marxist ideology -- and it is they who are shaping attitudes and beliefs of our future leaders. This latest scandal only shows how they do it -- with insidious brain-washing propaganda.

Never in the history of the United States has a president worked so actively against the interests of his own people - not even Jimmy Carter. That's the conclusion of Gerald Warner of the UK Telegraph. He refers to Obama as "President Pantywaist" and the description is apt. Read his article Barack Obama and the CIA: why does President Pantywaist hate America so badly?

President Obama is a disaster for the United States of America. If the GOP can retake the House and Senate, they should not pass go but proceed immediately to impeaching the traitorous train wreck.

Aunty Belle's Back Porch has a great article of American Aid to other nations. It's called "Foreign Policy 101." Each vignette features some foreigner asking an impertient question with a devastating response from the American official. Each one ends with the sentence "You could have heard a pin drop."

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