Friday, July 17, 2009

Ellen Muth: a Special Young Woman

Since I am one of the many unemployed from Obama's economy, I don't have to get up early to go to work. So at night I stay up until 1 AM watching "Dead Like Me" episodes on my laptop. I sit in the backyard gazebo where it is cool and quiet and smoke my pipe and watch the show on, a great source for free movies and television episodes.

I have been impressed with young Ellen Muth, whose role as grim reaper Georgia Lass was highly entertaining. She was born a couple of months after my youngest son's grand entry into the world and is now 28 years old. I'd like to see her back on television or in a movie. Here's a photo of her. She is quite lovely.


  1. Charles_Miller10/16/2012 11:12 PM

    Actually, she's kind of homely, nerdy and sarcastic...not a good combination. Since "Dead Like Me," Ellen has had very, very few film or television roles, and has been doing more voicework than anything else. That's what happens in showbiz when people grow sick of to the voicework camp.

  2. Too bad. I found her character in "Dead Like Me" to be very compelling. She's not homely, but you may be right about the last two adjectives -- however, I assumed that those traits were just part of her role, not her actual personality.
