Saturday, September 12, 2009

An Example of "Racist" Activities by Sons of Confederate Veterans

I just received this email from an SCV Camp Commander.  He describes the "right wing, racist" activity to which "Crooks, Liars and Cowards" so strenuously objected.
We are cleared for the gravesite marker ceremony for Major Joseph Vaughn at the Benicia Cemetery in Benicia at 10:00AM, Saturday October 10th. If any of you know renactors that could participate in the rifle squad, Color Guard, or play Taps, please contact them and me. As I mentioned before, Joseph Vaughn left Benicia in 1862 to join the 6th Infantry Regiment of the Confederate States Army and was promoted through the ranks from Private to eventually attain the rank of Major. Major Vaughn was killed on the battlefield leading his Regiment at the Battle of Corinth, Mississippi, the third of October 1862. I will bring his Bronze VA marker to the Camp meeting on Saturday tomorrow. Lou Olker, Commander
We are all so lucky to have David Neiwert of "Crooks and Liars" standing guard over the public to protect us all from such nefarious activities.   Kudos also to the Southern Poverty Law Center for denouncing the Sons, as well as everything else that moves, as "raaaacists."   One can't be too careful these days.  The only way to make sure you get all the racists is to just get everybody.  Taking a page from General Sherman, who said "Kill 'em all and let God sort 'em out," the SPLC operates under the dictum, "Slime 'em all and let God sort 'em out!"

It takes a really big slime bucket but somebody's got to do it.


  1. "Kudos also to the Southern Poverty Law Center for denouncing the Sons, as well as everything else that moves, as "raaaacists."

    Hey, stop advertising the far-right neo-Nazi English Defense League, if you want to be taken serious. Freeper.

  2. Hey, stop denouncing pro-West defense leagues as "neo-Nazis" if you want to be taken seriously.  The English Defence League has a Jewish chapter and supports Israel.  If you have any evidence that they are "Nazis," present it.  However, I won't hold my breath.
