Sunday, October 10, 2010

Busy, Busy, Busy

Suddenly I'm busy:  band practice (we're trying out another female singer), studying for a quiz in my tax course, possibly doing some work for my new associate.  The busy-ness seems to have raised my spirits considerably and given me more energy.

So posting will be light for a bit.


  1. That's great Pop...I was getting worried about ya!

  2. A propos de musique Stogie ,je viens d'acheter le dernier CD " jasmine" ,avec Keith Jarrett piano / Charlie Haden double-bass ! c'est une merveille ....Surtout "Don't ever leave me "!

  3. Kate says,
    As for music, Stogie, I just bought the latest CD "Jasmine", with Keith Jarrett on piano and Charlie Haden on string bass! It's marvellous...especially "Don't Ever Leave Me"!

    Stogie: Sounds great Kate! I'd love to listen.
