Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Lawrence Auster Makes Sense on the Birther Issue

Lawrence Auster of View From the Right says Obama's birth certificate continues to be a problem for Obama and that the issue is not going away.  Today he responded to a "birther" about what birthers believe, and separates the wheat from the chaff on what is important:
I've read this comment which must have taken you a while to write. I'm sorry, but I don't want to post it. My reason is this. By throwing out so many aspects of what "birthers" believe,--and some of these beliefs are plainly false, are contrary to U.S. law, and would add massive confusion to the issue, such as the belief that both a person's parents must be U.S. citizens in order for him to be a natural born citizen--you are inadvertently adding to the picture of a "birther" movement that is out of whack, irrational, and to be dismissed.

This is why it is counterproductive to the rational birther movement to bring in all kinds of theories about where Obama may have been born, who his father may have been, etc. Such theories make the birthers and their theories the focus of attention and the problem. By contrast, there is one issue that makes Obama the focus of attention and the problem: We the American people need to see Obama's birth certificate. Let us see it. Why has he refused to release it? This is the one solid, undeniable fact upon which the birthers stand, that Obama's birth certificate has not been released. Birthers who focus on this cannot not credibly be dismissed as nutcases. This is the issue that even some liberals are, despite themselves, and despite their belief that birthers are crazy anti-Obama haters, starting to recognize as a legitimate problem for Obama. 
Read it all here.

Unfortunately, there are some conservative bloggers who are played like a harp by the liberal media, and have jumped on the anti-birther bandwagon.  The fact is, Obama has never released his actual birth certificate and until he does, this issue will not go away -- nor should it.


  1. Back when all this business about Obama's birth certificate came up, I thought that the Right was being baited and that Obama would shortly bring forth the actual birth certificate which only he can release.

    He hasn't done so.

    I've also read THIS, by Beamish:

    His father was a Kenyan national, his mother wasn't old enough to confer US citizenship to a child of a foreign national under naturalization law at the time...

    I have a few theories as to what's on that birth certificate that Obama refuses to release. But as these theories of mine are mere speculation, I'll keep them to myself -- for now, anyway.

  2. AOW, yes Obama may have good political reasons for not releasing the birth certificate -- it may reveal that his parents were not married, or that his father is someone other than what has been reported, or that he was considered a Muslim at the time of his birth.

    Nevertheless, the voters have a right to know if he was born in this country or not.

  3. I have to renew my Class A lisc. in March. They will ask me for my Birth Certificate to do this. I find it funny that you have show your Birth Certificate to renew your lisc, but not to be President of the USA. I guess the rules are different for us peasants!

  4. We have already seen Obama's official birth certificate, the Certification of Live Birth, which Obama had posted and showed the physical copies of to both Politifact and FactCheck, and which the officials in Hawaii have repeatedly confirmed the facts on.

  5. Re: "good political reasons for not releasing the birth certificate -- it may reveal that his parents were not married, or that his father is someone other than what has been reported, or that he was considered a Muslim at the time of his birth."

    Answer: There is no place on the original birth certificate for entering whether the parents were married or not, and there is no place for listing the religion of the child or for that matter the religion of the parents.

    Obama's father's name is listed exactly the same on the original as on the new official birth certificate. That is how the officials filled in the new official birth certificate, by copying the facts on the document in the files. That is how birth certificates work. Obama's father's name is also listed in the notices that appeared in the newspapers in 1961, and by the way those notices were not sent out by relatives because they were not advertisements at the time. The notices that appeared in the newspapers were only sent out by the department of vital records of Hawaii, and only for births IN Hawaii, not for births outside of Hawaii.

  6. So Anonymous, you admit then that there is really NO REASON why Obama should not release the birth certificate. I don't care a ding dang about newspaper articles or anecdotal stories from fellow Democrats about Obama's alleged birth place, I want to see the official document. All other presidential candidates have released theirs, and Obama should be no exception.

    The fact that he refuses to release it is pretty strong evidence that he has something to hide. What?

  7. One more thing, Anonymous: a Hawaiian certificate of live birth doesn't mean jack. It is not the official birth certificate that will indeed show the name of the father and mother, the hospital and the doctor attending. The certificate of live birth does not show the latter two.

  8. HERE is an interesting bit of speculation as to what might be on that birth certificate.

    But you're absolutely correct, Stogie, when you say: Nevertheless, the voters have a right to know if he was born in this country or not.

    BTW, what might be interesting on that certificate is that Obama, Sr., of Kenya isn't the listed father. Now, if BHO knew that, then his book Dreams of My Father is a hoax.

  9. Re; ‘Anonymous, you admit then that there is really NO REASON why Obama should not release the birth certificate. “

    Answer: Obama has already released the official birth certificate of Hawaii, the only one that Hawaii has issued since 2001. That was the one that Hawaii sent him when Obama asked for a copy of his birth certificate in 2007 because that is what Hawaii sends out to everyone. Obama does not have a copy of his original birth certificate anymore. That is why he asked for a copy in 2007, and he received the short-form certification—which is the only one that he can post.

    Therefore there is one main reason that the does not and cannot release the original birth certificate: HE DOES NOT HAVE IT. There is a secondary reason, almost as good, he does not release the original because the original is not the official birth certificate anymore. There is a third reason, getting the original will not prove anything that the official birth certificate and the confirmations of the officials (who happen to have been members of a REPUBLICAN governor’s administration) and the former governor of Hawaii, a Republican, all have said.

  10. Re: “I want to see the official document. All other presidential candidates have released theirs, and Obama should be no exception.”

    Answer: I could make a little money here. I’ll send you ten dollars if you can show me the official birth certificate that Hillary Clinton posted. Another $10 for Mitt Romney? Another $10 for Huckabee. You may find one on line that purports to be from John McCain, but that was never posted by the McCain campaign, and it is in fact a forgery since it claims that McCain was born in Colon Hospital, which is not in the Canal Zone. You will not find a birth certificate online for Bush or Clinton or any other president.

    In contrast, Obama has shown the official birth certificate of Hawaii, the certification of live birth. It is the official birth certificate. It is used every year by thousands of people to prove that they were born in the USA.

    Re: “a Hawaiian certificate of live birth doesn't mean jack. It is not the official birth certificate that will indeed show the name of the father and mother, the hospital and the doctor attending. The certificate of live birth does not show the latter two.”

    Answer: That is because it is a short-form birth certificate. MOST US states have already adopted short-form birth certificates, and they usually send out only the short-form birth certificate. These birth certificates are all perfectly legal, accepted by the states as proof of birth in the state and accepted by the US State Department for passports.

    The Wall Street Journal said:

    “The birthers have also misrepresented the law in the claims they have made about Obama’s birth certificate. In truth, Obama has proved that he is a native of Hawaii, and this proof would hold up in any legal or administrative proceeding.

    In order to explain the birthers’ deception on this point, it is necessary to delve into the arcana of Hawaiian vital records. The document that Obama has released, which carries the title “certification of live birth,” confirms that the president was born in Honolulu. It is a legal birth certificate, and, as the Honolulu Star-Bulletin notes, it is the only kind of birth certificate the state of Hawaii issues….

    Further, if Congress were to pass the so-called birther bill, Obama would be able to comply easily. The bill would require presidential campaigns to submit “a copy of the candidate’s birth certificate” to the Federal Election Commission. The certificate Obama has released publicly would meet this requirement.”

  11. Re: "BTW, what might be interesting on that certificate is that Obama, Sr., of Kenya isn't the listed father.'

    Answer: The reason that Obama's Certification of Live Birth says that Obama senior was Obama's father was that the original document in the files ALSO says that Obama senior was Obama's father. That is how birth certificates work. The clerk who filled in the form that generated the Certification of Live Birth got the information on that document from the document in the files.

  12. Anonymous, you are so full of it. The certificate of live birth is not the "official" birth certificate; there is a long form certificate that supplies critical details like the name of the doctor and the hospital.

    The short form is easily forged, and in fact some leftwing website forged one and issued it early in the Obama campaign. Pamela Geller proved that it was forged.

    I don't care a damn about whether a dozen presidential candidates did not provide birth certificates; they never made it to the general election and it is totally irrelevant.

    You are attempting to overwhelm this discussion with a tidal wave of irrelevant points, rationalizations and personal opinions. Therefore I will delete any further comments from you. (It's Sven, right?)

    The fact is: Obama's father was a foreigner. Obama was raised and schooled in a foreign country. He had dual citizenship with Kenya. His Kenyan grandmother claimed to have waited for his birth at a Kenyan hospital. I want to see the long form birth certificate and so do many other people. Obama has no valid reason for refusing to release it unless he has something to hide. Period.

  13. Note to all: I keep deleting Anonymous's continuing rants but he refuses to go away. Obviously, the issue is important to the left and they feel a burning need to kill the issue without producing a birth certificate.

  14. Me thinks the screwball sven does protest too much............wny??

  15. Bro, I think Sven is a practitioner of Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" and likes to practice those rules. His latest shtick is to vigorously deny any and all allegations, pretend he is an expert on Hawaiian birth certificates and how they work, throw out red herrings (like alleging that John McCain supporters released a forged birth certificate for McCain) to divert the discussion away from its original subject, and then simply to deny that the State of Hawaii even issues long-form birth certificates any more (not true, but you do have to request it).

    All of this storm and fury doesn't change the fact that it would be far easier for Obama to release the long form than to have his stooges wage an endless war of words over the internet.
