Monday, December 06, 2010

Photo: Dog In A Manger

This is one of those "Awwww" photos that people are always emailing to you with unverifiable stories about them.  I usually discard such emails with extreme prejudice; however, I love dogs and I love traditional Christmas scenes.  So whether the accompanying tale is true or not, I don't know (Snopes is silent on it).

The apocryphal tale is that the pooch was an abandoned dog who sought a warm place to sleep for the night, so crawled into this manger scene and cuddled up with the baby Jesus figure.  Someone later found a home for the dog.  Anyone who would abandon a dog of such beauty is a Grinch for sure.


  1. Is that beautiful, or what?

    God bless our four-legged friends!

  2. Merci Stogie pour cette si belle et touchante photo ...

  3. It was apparently in Brazil. More pics of the scene here (though there is no note of what happened to the dog):

  4. Thanks for the link, HER. I do hope this beautiful dog found a good home.

  5. My immediate thought when I saw this was "Not true, says it's a Church yard, but there are poinsettias, which are hot-house flowers". But if it's in Brazil, I guess maybe it could be true.
