Wednesday, January 12, 2011

FaceBook Page Calls For Death of Sarah Palin

From Moonbattery, the latest swill from the liberal hate machine:
The Facebook site "I hate it when I wake up and Sarah Palin is still alive" now has 2,200 likes. Here's an example of what you'll see if you wade into this cesspool:
Another Example of Liberal Hate Speech Advocating Death and Violence


  1. Stogie, I wonder if authorities should be contacted because of this:!/photo.php?fbid=10150131973787329&set=o.129929197021040

    That sure looks like a call for violence, doesn't it?

  2. LCR, they may have changed the photo there. I only see a photo of a couple of monsters struggling -- predator vs the young alien, although the predator does have Sarah Palin's hair.
