Monday, March 07, 2011

No Joke: Charlie Sheen is Seriously Disturbed

Charlie Sheen's Descent Into Madness
I just watched Charlie Sheen's latest "Sheen Korner" episode.  It last only about 15 minutes.  Sheen was unshaven, unkempt and even more rambling and incoherent than in his first episode.

All attempts to shame Charlie into seeking help have failed and his descent into madness continues unabated.

This man is in serious trouble and needs a major intervention in his life NOW.


  1. I watched some excerpts this morning.

    What the hell is Sheen on? Meth? PCP? Cocaine?

    I'm surprised that he hasn't had a CVA!

  2. Demonic harrassment is real, he's the proof.

  3. I can see why he was fired. The fulminating madness of this individual overshadows anything he might attempt to accomplish on television or in the movies.

  4. what a handful! he's living prove of the disease of addiction tied in with the monster of a spoiled child.

  5. Folks, I am afraid Charlie has ended his show biz career, whether he knows it or not. Who would want to work with him now? He is nothing but trouble and an embarrassment to boot.

  6. He looks worse every new video.

  7. That's what happens when you listen to Alex Jones. No wonder Charlie was naked ina bathroom of a hotel with coke on his face screaming the n-word, he was just acting like a Tea Bagger. Then he had a suitcase full of coke in his house. Now if he was black...

  8. His buddy Alex Jones said that Charlie was OK. Their both Koch heads.

  9. Kid, I think Charlie was acting like the liberal airhead that he is and always has been. Like Alex Jones, he is a 911 "truther" and believes other far-left nonsense, as does the idiot Alex Jones.

    Don't blame one of your family on us.

  10. "Truther" is not so- called far left nonsense, it right wing just ask Alan Keyes and the people at WND.

  11. Nonsense. Truthers believe that "911 was an inside job." This is mostly a leftwing belief as lefties are always seeking rationalizations for doing nothing about radical Islam. Some so-called "paleoconservatives" are truthers as well, but paleos beliefs on foreign policy are very similar to those of the far left. They are not at all typical of conservative thought.

  12. Kid, I googled WND and Alan Keyes and there is no evidence whatsoever that either has ever been a 911 "truther." WND has an article rebutting the charge; Keyes doesn't mention it. Only some of the Ron Paul followers were truthers, but many of those were paleos (Alex Jones is also a paleoconservative). I do not consider paleos to be true conservatives -- they are loony IMO.
