Friday, May 20, 2011

Netanyahu Schools Obama: Israel Will NOT Return to Its 1967 Borders! (Photoshop)

In a meeting today in the Oval Office, Benjamin Netanyahu (of Israel) responded to Obama's Palestinian peace plan by rejecting it.

Apparently, Obama had not been able to write Netanyahu's remarks for him, because the latter stated categorically that Israel would not return to its 1967 borders as prescribed by President Obama.  Further, Israel would not allow Palestinians the much demanded "right of return," effectively barring them from immigrating to Israel.

According to Rush, who viewed the exchange, Obama stared daggers at Netanyahu while the latter spoke, but to no avail.  It appears Obama will have to seek his legacy by throwing some other nation under the bus.

Read more about it here.


  1. thumbs up, my friend. a very good job too

  2. .

    In your eyes you want to see this as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu "schooling" Mr Obama. Good for you. Cheer for failure all you want.

    One sees what one wants to see. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu may be your hero.

    "If you read body language, you would conclude that Obama, leaning back with his legs crossed, was not enjoying the experience."

    Mr Obama may also be saying, "One can lie oneself to power. One will not lie oneself to the truth." The truth is the demographics are not working in Israel's favor.

    Just the sheer numbers of people make it imperative that Israel work out peaceful solutions to the conflicts or the Jewish State will be overwhelmed.

    Even the concept of continuous war will bankrupt Israel.

    Ema Nymton

  3. Ema, I know you live in fantasy land, being a liberal and all, but the only course of action that will work for Israel is to have defensible borders. The surrounding Muslims will never accept Israel nor give up their desire to overrun Israel and kill or subjugate all of the Jews. All pretended concessions that the Muslims may presently accept are merely stratagems towards that end. They can never be trusted -- ever hear of "taquiya"? No, it's not Mexican booze with a worm in the bottle.

    Barack Obama is a complete fool and couldn't care less if the Israelis survive or not.

    You see, Islam, like liberalism, is a form of madness; in the former case, a form of homicidal lunacy.

  4. .

    How's that work'n for em?

    "only course of action that will work for Israel is to have defensible borders."

    To borrow Netanyahu's line 'that ain't going to happen. The peoples of Palestine were living in the area long before 1946. So in your fantasy land what is your solution for the Jewish state, endless war until Israel goes broke?

    Ema Nymton

  5. Yes, "Ema," it will be endless war until Islam is no longer a significant force in the middle east. There is no such people as "Palestinians" and the Muslim assholes who want to kill Jews will be defeated, no matter how long it takes. Tell me Ema, do you as a general rule promote evil over good? What is it about you libbies that you always side with tyranny?

  6. .

    "it will be endless war until Islam is no longer a significant force in the middle east. There is no such people as "Palestinians" and the Muslim assholes who want to kill Jews will be defeated, no matter how long it takes. Tell me Ema, do you as a general rule promote evil over good? What is it about you libbies that you always side with tyranny?"

    it will be endless war until Islam is no longer a significant force in the middle east.

    And you say I live in a fantasy world! Right. And _YOU_ want to impose this 'idea' from afar. Yuck, yuck.

    There is no such people as "Palestinians" ... really? So who are the people living in the Gaza Strip? (Prior to 1917, the territory that is called Palestine or Israel was ruled by the Ottoman Turkish Empire, and included several sanjaks or districts. The name Palestine, that was used by Roman and Arab rulers, was revived by the British, who received a mandate from the League of Nations to administer Palestine as a national home for the Jewish people.)

    Tell me Ema, do you as a general rule promote evil over good? Who is evil? Who is good?

    What is it about you libbies that you always side with tyranny? YOU are the one siding with Netanyahu against USA.

    Ema nymton

  7. "Ema", your rants are so full of error that I hardly know where to begin.

    The Romans renamed Israel after conquering it in war -- so what? They then sent the Jews into exile and now the Jews are back, and it is a good thing. The misplaced Arabs living in the Gaza strip have no homeland and deserve none -- they can return to the huge territories controlled by the barbarian Muslims. Their only desire to live in Israel is to destroy it.

    Don't tell me what I want to "impose;" I want to PREVENT the bigoted Muslims from destroying a nation and a people based on their hateful ideology. Giving the Muslims more territory in Israel will not bring peace, as the Muslims have no desire and no plan for peace; they were commanded by their false prophet to prevent any other religions in the Arabian Peninsula. Islam is the only religion that officially practices Jew hatred and Jewish genocide.

    The choice the Israelis have is to fight or die; those are their only two choices (dhimmitude, or Muslim slavery, would not count as a choice). Since you support, directly or indirectly, Israeli genocide, it is you who are clearly on the side of evil. Does your silly little signature (~@:o) indicate someone wearing a turban? You are a Muslim aren't you?

    I stand not against America but with over 70% of all Americans in my support of Israel, and against the anti-American, anti-Israel Marxist who now occupies the White House.

  8. .

    ""Ema", your rants are so full of error that I hardly know where to begin."

    Try coming back to reality. You are living in a world of fantasy. You do realize, don't ya, that you are talking about people? The people "living in the Gaza strip have no homeland and deserve none." Even your bible states people lived in the lands occupied by Israel before the the Israeli got there. The people are there and have as much right to eb there as anyone else.

    You are standing with a leader of a foreign county against the duly elected leader of USA. Why do you hate America?

    "You are a Muslim aren't you?" Does this matter?

    Ema Nymton

  9. Ema, no one would care if some Arabs lived in Israel if those Arabs were peaceful, but they aren't. They want to kill all the Jews, like the Koran commands them to.

    Yes, it matters if you are a Muslim, because it means you have bought into this hateful ideology, including its Jew hatred and belief in the false prophet.

    Once again, and you are making me repeat myself, Obama is not America; he is a far-left radical whose election was largely an anomaly and a historical mistake. The overwhelming majority of Americans support Israel against the so-called "Palestinians."

    This thread is now closed.
