Sunday, December 04, 2011

Herman Cain Quits Presidential Race

Not surprisingly, Cain quit the presidential race yesterday, stating that he was "suspending his campaign."  He pointed to the cloud hanging over him from sexual misconduct allegations, as well as his inability to raise enough money to be competitive.

The Democrat media found a weak spot and exploited it for all it was worth, and succeeded in removing Cain from the race.  They hanged him, but he provided the rope.

Note how the biased mainstream media operates in the realm of politics.  They search earnestly for any kind of scandal or pseudo-scandal that they can exploit against Republican candidates but are generally silent and protective of Democrat candidates.  Bill Clinton was a horn-dog on steroids, but his encyclopedic sexual peccadilloes were ignored by the mainstream press.  Obama's radical and dope connections have also been ignored by the media.

A scandal is only a scandal if it is reported in the press, over and over again.  A scandal is not a scandal if no one ever speaks or writes about it.

So who is the Tea Party pick for president now?  Or does it matter?  It appears we will be stuck with an establishment, big-government Republican, either Mitt (Socialized Medicine) Romney or Newt (Global Warming) Gingrich.


  1. It appears we will be stuck with an establishment, big-government Republican, either Mitt (Socialized Medicine) Romney or Newt (Global Warming) Gingrich.

    That's what's going to happen. Unless the cavalry rides over the ridge to save us.

    I grow more discouraged by the day.

  2. .

    "A scandal is only a scandal if it is reported in the press, over and over again. A scandal is not a scandal if no one ever speaks or writes about it."

    Are you not trying to have it both ways? If MSM report on an issue then whine, snivel, moan ...
    But then 'some' say that the MSM is not reporting because the MSM is censoring their own coverage which allows one to whine, snivel, and moan..

    Can't lose.

    You want to trust Mr Cain? Then do as Mr Rick Perry says. Go vote on 12 November 2012 For Mr Cain. That'll show dem liberals and MSM how smart you are.

    Ema Nymton

  3. AOW, yep, we are far from taking over the GOP and making it do what conservatives want. We have to keep working on it.

    Ema, as usual you miss the whole point. The MSM, being a Democrat house organ, has long slanted the news by emphasizing what helps Democrats and keeping silent on whatever hurts them. It's called "Bias," and there is a book by that name that you ought to buy and read.

  4. .

    Yea, right.

    Murdoch Media/Fox is "a Democrat house organ, has long slanted the news by emphasizing what helps Democrats and keeping silent on whatever hurts them." Yuk yuk yuk ...

    Great comedy. Do you really believe the twaddle emanating from Murdoch Media/Fox has any bases in fact?

    Are you hoarding your light bulbs too?

    Ema Nymton

  5. Ema, Fox News is the only exception to the Democrat house organ rule. That's why Democrats hate both Fox News and the internet, because they supply a much needed alternative look at the news.

    That's why you like to refer to Fox as the "Faux News," not because it is false, but because is largely objective and unbiased.

    This latter fact is probably the reason Fox is much more profitable than CNN and MSNBC, because it has a much larger audience. People trust Fox a great deal more than they do the liberal networks.
