Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Obamagasm Award

The Obamessiah
Media Research Center has announced the Obamagasm Award for 2011 goes to Stephen Marche of Esquire Magazine.  Marche's paean to Barack Obama includes this:
...can we just take a month or two to contemplate him the way we might contemplate a painting by Vermeer or a guitar lick by the early-seventies Rolling Stones or a Peyton Manning pass or any other astounding, ecstatic human achievement? Because twenty years from now, we’re going to look back on this time as a glorious idyll in American politics, with a confident, intelligent, fascinating president riding the surge of his prodigious talents from triumph to triumph....
I would rewrite this essay a bit:
...can we just take a month or two to contemplate him the way we might contemplate a Flea Market painting of Elvis on black velvet, the early singing skills of Milli Vanilli,  a Jamarcus Russell [intercepted] pass, or any other mundane, over-hyped, pie-in-the-sky mediocrity?  Because twenty years from now, we're going to look back on this time as a raging insanity in American politics, with a conceited, naive and arrogant punk of a president, riding the surge of his own ignorance from one political disaster to the next...
Read the whole thing here, and then throw up.  Hat tip:  No Pasaran.


  1. Well said Stogie...Damn well said!

  2. Ye, gods! Those words of Stephen Marche's!

    What the hell is wrong with some people?

  3. Thanks Randy!

    AOW - They're Democrats.
