Saturday, February 25, 2012

Saber Point Nears a Million Hits

My oldest hit counter just passed the 900,000 visitors mark, which means I am now in the countdown to the million hits mark.  Okay, it only took me six years, but what the hey, better late than never.

I remember I almost quit when my daily hits were around 35.

I figure it will take a month or two to finally hit one million.  Whoopee!

Okay, there are some blogs who get that many hits in a month.  A pox on them!


  1. I am only 4-5 years behind you Stogie...Congrats, I should be more of those million than I am. I am quite busy, er lazy.

  2. A milestone for you, Stogie.


  3. Are you there yet? Am I the millionth? Will I win a prize?
