Saturday, September 15, 2012

What a Jackass: Young Liberal Blue-Eyed Blonde Tells Muslim Rioters "I Love You"! AWWWWWW!

I stole this picture from View From the Right.  It shows a young poser in an act of moral exhibitionism, more to shower herself with liberal glory than to bring peace and understanding between us and the Islamic world.

And what would the "peaceful" Muslims (who burned our embassies, desecrated our flag, and killed our people) do to this unveiled female infidel?  Mass rape her and then stone her to death for fornication?

What a total jackass.

Note to the Muslim world:  this idiot does not speak for me.  I hate your religion and mock it every chance I get. Screw you AND the camel your rode in on.

Note to airhead college student below:  Anders Behring Breivik is also a "fellow human and inhabitant of this Earth" -- do you love him too?  How about Ted Bundy?  Or the "Batman Killer," James Holmes?  Or Jared Loughner?


  1. .

    "Note to the world: this idiot does not speak for me."

    Ema Nymton

  2. Yes, we know Ema, that you are a liberal and liberals always apologize to and rationalize for whatever evil is ascendant in the world. Lefties apologized for Hitler and Stalin and now they apologize for Islam. Ema Loves Evil. No surprise there.

  3. May she parish with her mooselimb comrades.

  4. .

    "Lefties apologized ..."

    Ya right. You mean like that big lefty, Mr Obama apologized to bin Laden? Or Moammar Gaddafi?

    You really can't get anything right, can you?

    Ema Nymton

  5. No I mean like Hillary Clinton apologizing to the murderers of our ambassador to Libya for messing up the place with American blood, or Obama apologizing for the First Amendment.

  6. .

    Really? When did this happen? Specifically give US date, time, and location? Or is this one of your 'you hate everything USA' delusions?

    BTW, how's your 'hate and destruction' philosophy working out for you?

    Ema Nymton

  7. Bartendercabbie9/16/2012 5:59 AM

    At some point in time this young lady will grow up and realize that all is not wonderful with the world and that there are those who hate us no matter how much slack we give them. Or maybe she will be dumb for her entire life.
    Hi Ema. Long time no see. I guess I haven't offended you in a while.

  8. Ema, you might have seen this on the news, but only if you watch Fox News. The leftist stations are omitting or spinning any news that detracts from Obama's sorry record. "Hate and destruction" sounds like the motto of Islam, which means it is more the philosophy that you support rather than the one I support.

  9. Liberty At'Stake9/16/2012 5:49 PM

    Appoint her Ambassador now.

  10. Liberty At'Stake9/16/2012 5:50 PM


  11. BC, this young woman appears to be in posturing for approval, perhaps among her equally naive peers or her moonbat college professors. It's so easy to be "morally superior" when one is thousands of miles away from the jihadis.

  12. Ema loves evil or she is a great COWARD.
